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[Quelltext bearbeiten]
  1. Alexis (IA)
  2. Jake (IA)
  3. Dan (Developer)
  4. Volker Grassmuck (Leuphana)
  5. Manuel Schneider
  6. Sebastiaan ter Burg - end user
  7. Brion Vibber (Wikimedia)

Preperation of Beta Phase:

Beta Phase:

  • limited beta test (~throughout April)
  • writing manual (23rd April - meeting Sebastiaan, Volker, Manuel)
  • user authentication integration (Wikimedia, IA)
  • video tutorials


  • presentation at WMF (eg. during a brown bag)
  • coordinated blog posts - making it public in May
  • [target presentation & hacking at Lyon hackathon - late May 2015 - ]
  • presentation at Wikimania: beginning of July in Mexico (see Wikimania paragraph below)

Testing by end users would be preferable to take place until may. This should be a small test to get feeback and to start with documentation. Prerequisites:

  • Linux users (can be virtualized)
  • Source footage available
  • n00bs en geeks
  • - documentation / wiki for collaboration/cooperation -> wiki with multilanguage - Cross language workspace for production information.
    • Brion will see about setting these up, may take a few days
    • Dan here: you will also need to change the callback URL on the OAuth consumer.
  • For a proposal for server infrastructure:

Editor program integration

[Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • Currently KDEnlive, some plans for another that's more cross-platform.
  • Things like Premiere are dreamed of but not on the immediate roadmap. Note that converting is really hard; everyone working on a single project must use the same editor tool.
    [note: mainly need to be able to parse/rewrite project files to replace full-res clips with proxies and vice versa]

Dan: there are two primary interop video editing project file formats: CMX EDL and AAF. However, both, especially EDL, has interop issues; so, you end up having to sometimes create "flavors" of them. It is a lot of work, but also a lot of demand in the Kdenlive community.

Additional support?

[Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • Video should be coming back on the radar for WMF Multimedia team soon; Brion will check in with the team to see if any support can be provided.
  • IA can provide lots of disk space -- yay! -- but no manpower just now.
  • Sebastiaan volunteers to be educated from a n00b perspective in the 3rd week of April and to write the first draft manual. Deadline: 23rd of may - international hackathon (Lyon)

Google Summer of Code?

  • Dan happy to mentor
  • (Brion happy to put that in WMF's GSoC if it doesn't fit in another org's)

Proposed title:

  • Cooperative Video Editing - Wikimedia and Internet Archive Joining Forces


Who is coming to Wikimania?

  1. Manuel
  2. Volker ?