Benutzer:Regesta/Sierra-leonischer Botschafter in den Vereinigten Staaten

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Der Sierra-leonische Botschafter in den Vereinigten Staaten ist der offizielle Vertreter der Regierung von Sierra Leone bei der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten.

Liste der Repräsentanten

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Agrément Akkreditierung (Diplomatie) Leiter der Auslandsvertretung Bemerkungen ernannt von Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten Posten verlassen
27. Apr. 1961 William Henry Fitzjohn Geschäftsträger eröffnete die Mission († 1990) Im September 1962 war er der erste Hochkommissar in London (He lectured at Fourah Bay College and served as High Commissioner to the UK, as well as Ambassador to the US. Bom of aristocratic parentage, Willie Fitzjohn was a contemporary of Kwame Nkrumah whom he met on entering Lincoln[1] Maurice Henry Dorman John F. Kennedy
26. Juni 1961 18. Juli 1961 Richard Edmund Kelfa-Caulker Sierra Leonean diplomat. B. 1909. Educ. Albert Academy. Sierra Leone; Otlerbein College. Westerville, U.S.A. (BA 1935); Oberlin (Ohio) College (MA 1937); Teacher’s College, Columbia University (Dip Ed 1947). M. 1940, Olivette Hannah Stuart. Maurice Henry Dorman John F. Kennedy
16. Okt. 1963 20. Nov. 1963 Gershon Beresford Onesimus Collier (* 16. Februar 1927 † 1994) Diplomat, chief justice of Sierra Leone, and educator, Gershon Collier was born in Freetown and educated at the CMS Grammar School and Fourah Bay College and studied law, M.A., B.C.L., B.L.. LL.M., J.S.D.; Sierra Leonean professor and lawyer; hijo de Maria Jeanette Collier y Samuel Adolphus Collier, 1954: casado con Fashn Dora tenian una hija[2] Henry Josiah Lightfoot Boston Lyndon B. Johnson
16. Feb. 1967 17. Feb. 1967 Christopher Okoro Cole [3] Henry Josiah Lightfoot Boston Lyndon B. Johnson
18. Jan. 1968 19. Jan. 1968 Adesanya K. Hyde Andrew Juxon-Smith Lyndon B. Johnson
22. Aug. 1969 2. Okt. 1969 John Akar John Amadu Bangura Richard Nixon
22. Apr. 1971 Collins O. Bright Geschäftsträger Siaka Stevens Richard Nixon
21. Juli 1971 22. Juli 1971 Jacob Arthur Christian Davies (* 24. Mai 1925) Sohn von Christiana und Jacob Davies.
  • Ausbildung: Tropical Agriculture an der University of Reading, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, Imperial College,.


  • 1967-1969 Perm. Sekretär; Co-Direktor des Entwurfs eines Programms der Vereinten Nationen, FAO.

und später ernannte er Präsident des Public Service Commission.

  • 1972-1974: Hochkommissar in Großbritannien und dem sie nicht ansässig sind Botschafter in Dänemark, Schweden und Norwegen.
  • 1975-1976: Stellvertretender Direktor der Operationen der Vereinten Nationen Landwirtschaft Abteilung FAO, Rom.
  • 1976-1982: Leiter der Personalabteilung.
  • 1982: Stellvertretender Generaldirektor, Regionalvertreter für Afrika."[4]
Siaka Stevens Richard Nixon
26. Sep. 1972 2. Okt. 1972 Philip Jonathan Gbagu Palmer Siaka Stevens Richard Nixon
18. Juni 1978 Olu William Harding Geschäftsträger
  • Von 27. Juni 1989 - 1994 war er Botschafter in Moskau

(Rev. Harding is an ordained elder and member of the Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist Church. He is currently serving as a pastor of the Elm Park United Church in Oneonta, NY. Rev. Harding earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from Fourah Bay College in Sierra Leone, his first master’s degree in international relations and public administration from the University of Maryland, and his second master’s degree in divinity from Boston University. Before he received his call to the ordained ministry, he served as a diplomat in the Sierra Leone Foreign Services, rising to the rank of Ambassador to Nigeria for Sierra Leone with accreditation to Ghana, the Republic of Benin, Togo, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and Egypt. He was then appointed Ambassador to the Soviet Union (Russia) with accreditation to Poland, Czech and Slovak Republics, East Germany, Hungary and Romania. Rev. Harding received his call to the ordained ministry while serving as Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Russia. His strong Christian background encouraged his present religious vocation. In his role as a pastor, he serves on various boards and organizations of the United Methodist Church, including the Wyoming Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, the General Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns, theNational Council of Churches, The World Assembly, and the Oneonta Clergy Group. Rev. Harding is married to Essie Harding, and they have a combined family of seven children and six grandchildren. Melrose Kai-Banya (now deceased) was appointed as sierra Leone’s Amb to Moscow in 1996, replacing Olu Harding, who held the post for long under the APC, and he also served briefly under the NPRC. He left the post in 1995.)[5]

Siaka Stevens Jimmy Carter
26. Juli 1978 2. Aug. 1978 Mohamed Morlai Turay Siaka Stevens Jimmy Carter
28. Feb. 1981 Ahmed Seray-Wurie Geschäftsträger Siaka Stevens Ronald Reagan
21. Dez. 1981 13. Jan. 1982 Dauda Kamara Delegation head, Dauda Kamara, former ambassador to Brussels, says June 2nd Nigerian attack has sown panic amongst population. Ghana reaffirms "unacceptable" nature of coup. Foday Sankoh (Revolutionary United Front — RUF leader) Siaka Stevens Ronald Reagan
20. Feb. 1987 11. Mai 1987 Sahr Thomas Matturi Joseph Saidu Momoh Ronald Reagan
25. Okt. 1988 9. Nov. 1988 George Munda Carew [6] Joseph Saidu Momoh Ronald Reagan
25. März 1993 23. Juni 1993 Thomas Kahota Kargbo (* 15. Juni 1937 in Kamassassa, Kambia District; † 16. Mai 2016 in Freetown)

Ausbildung: Arzt, Doktor der Medizin, University of Leeds, England. Royal College of Geburtshelfer, Chirurg, England. Johns Hopkins University, Westafrika, Chirurgen College. Karriere:

  • 1975-1985: Privatpraxis in der Geburtshilfe, Sierra Leone.
  • 1987 Regierung medizinische Regierung von Sierra Leone.
  • 1991-1993: Minister für Unternehmen, Handel, Industrie und Staat.[7]
Valentine Strasser Bill Clinton
19. Sep. 1996 9. Okt. 1996 John Leigh Ahmad Tejan Kabbah Bill Clinton
17. März 2003 8. Mai 2003 Ibrahim M'baba Kamara Ibrahim Sorie Kamara,,, former Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to Ethiopia and currently United Nations Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) consultant, Ibrahim M'baba Kamara Ahmad Tejan Kabbah George W. Bush
13. Nov. 2006 8. Dez. 2006 Sulaiman Tejan-Jalloh 4. Sep. 2000: Hochkommissar in London. Ahmad Tejan Kabbah George W. Bush
28. März 2008 9. Apr. 2008 Bockari Kortu Stevens Ernest Bai Koroma George W. Bush



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  1. (PDF) William Henry Fitzjohn
  2. Gershon Beresford Onesimus Collier
  3. Christopher Okoro Cole
  4. Jacob Arthur Christian Davies
  5. Olu William Harding
  6. George Munda Carew
  7. Thomas Kahota Kargbo

[[Kategorie:Liste (Diplomatisches Corps in den Vereinigten Staaten)|Sierra Leone]] [[Kategorie:Liste (sierra-leonische Botschafter)|Vereinigte Staaten]]