Um einen Abschnitt dieser Seite zu verlinken, klicke im Inhaltsverzeichnis auf den Abschnitt und kopiere dann Seitenname und Abschnittsüberschrift aus der Adresszeile deines Browsers, beispielsweise
Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Professor Toby Hudson on Entity Explosion, a browser extension which allows you to get information about entities on the web page you’re visiting, 06 October. Agenda
Video: How to create and edit items on Wikidata (in Spanish) - YouTube
Video: Introduction to Wikidata and wikiprojects of interest to librarians (in Spanish) - YouTube
Tool of the week
IllWill.js is a userscript that searches Wikidata for foreign-language sitelinks, to populate Template:ill and replace plain red links on other Wikimedia projects.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
omeka-s-wikidata is a new module for the open source GLAM collection management software Omeka, that allows cataloguers to use Wikidata as a vocabulary for persons, places, subjects, etc.
Maps of arts and humanities research grants funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council in UK between 2013-2019. Sorted by year, Sorted by budget (Source)
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren1 Kommentar1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt
Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Letzte Änderungen
There is a new tool where you can see which home wiki users have in discussions on Meta. This can help show which communities are not part of the discussion on wikis where we make decisions that affect many other wikis.
Es ist jetzt möglich Benutzern für das Hochladen einer Datei oder für das Ändern der Sprache einer Seite zu danken. [1]
Die neue MediaWiki-Version von letzter Woche enthielt viele Fehler. Die Version wurde zurückgesetzt. Updates, die letzte Woche erfolgen sollten, sind dadurch verspätet. [2]
Everyone was logged out. This was because a user reported being logged in to someone else's account. The problem should be fixed now.[3]
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf den Testwikis und ab 6 Oktober verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias ab 7 Oktober. Auf allen Wikis ab 8 Oktober (Kalender).
Letters immediately after a link are shown as part of the link. For example the entire word in [[Child]]ren is linked. On Arabic wikis this works at both the start and end of a word. Previously on Arabic wikis numbers and other non-letter Unicode characters were shown as part of the link at the start of a word but not at the end. Now only Latin and Arabic letters will extend links on Arabic wikis.[4]
Zukünftige Änderungen
You will be able to read but not to edit the wikis for up to an hour on 27 October around 14:00 (UTC). It will probably be shorter than an hour.[5]
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren1 Kommentar1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt
Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Wegen der Probleme mit der MediaWiki-Version vor zwei Wochen sind auch die Aktualisierungen der letzten Woche verspätet. [6][7][8]
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
Bei der Live-Vorschau wurden die in der Vorschau verwendeten Vorlagen nicht angezeigt, wenn Sie gerade einen Abschnitt bearbeitet haben. Dies wurde nun behoben. Sie können CSS- und JavaScript-Seiten auch dann testen, wenn Sie die Live-Vorschau aktiviert haben. Zuvor funktionierte dies nicht gut. [9][10]
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf den Testwikis und ab 13 Oktober verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias ab 14 Oktober. Auf allen Wikis ab 15 Oktober (Kalender).
Zukünftige Änderungen
Eine neue stabile Version des Pywikibots wird bald erscheinen. [11]
The new Wikibase/Consultants and Support Providers' directory on Meta lists people/companies that provide professional help with Wikibase -- be it technical support (installation and setup), custom development, or data modeling services.
The 2020 Coolest Tool Award is still accepting nominations until October 14th. Please use this form to recommend tools. You can nominate as many tools as you want by filling out the form multiple times.
Working on enabling JSON dumps for Lexemes (phab:T220883)
Finishing preventing blocked users from making us skip QIDs (phab:T232620)
Continuing work on the Wikibase Manifest extension that allows toolbuilders to easily access configurations of a specific Wikibase instance so it is easier for them to make their tools work with not just Wikidata but also other Wikibase instances
Started analyzing what we consider a mismatch for our work around checking Wikidata's data against other databases
Continued work on the Query Builder to get it to create the first very simple query. It can do that now but not yet visualize the result.
France report: AAF training course; Workshops in Strasbourg; European Heritage Days: Rennes; Wiki Loves Monuments
Germany report: Ahoy! Wikipedians set sail to document the reality of modern seafaring
Indonesia report: New GLAM partnerships on data donation; Commons structured data edit-a-thon
Norway report: Students taking on GLAM Wiki women in red
Sweden report: Musikverket: more folk music and photos; Hack for Heritage 2020; Wiki Loves Monuments; Wikipedia in the libraries; Digital Book Fair on Wikipedia
Seiten, die die Vorlage:= verwenden (hier jedoch nicht vorhanden), werden in eine Wartungskategorie sortiert. Hintergrund: {{=}} wird demnächst als Parserfunktion eingeführt. Der Name der Kategorie kann über MediaWiki:Template-equals-category festgelegt werden (Task 91154, Gerrit:617246).
Seiten, die die Parserfunktion formatnum mit nicht-numerischen Zeichen verwenden, werden in eine Wartungskategorie sortiert. Der Name der Kategorie kann über MediaWiki:Nonnumeric-formatnum festgelegt werden (Task T237467, Gerrit:626024).
(API) ApiQueryUserInfo: Add `theoreticalratelimits`. Allow showing what ratelimits would be if they applied (Task 258888, Gerrit:616250).
(Softwareneuheit) Seiten können nun zeitlich befristet auf die Beobachtungsliste gesetzt werden. Nach Ablauf der von der Benutzerin/dem Benutzer eingestellten Zeit wird die Seite automatisch von der Beobachtungsliste entfernt.
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Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Other: Proposal to spin-off non-Earth coordinates from property P625 (coordinates location), currently only 7000 of 8 million values: see Property proposal/planetary coordinates
Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, October 20 at 18:00 CEST
Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: hands-on work with Wikidata on creating items for authors of COVID 19 papers and brainstorming for future hands-on work, 20 October. Agenda
Blocked users trying to create new Items no longer make us skip QIDs (phab:T232620)
So far we don't have JSON dumps for Lexemes. We're working on regularly generating them as well now (phab:T264883)
Continuing work on getting the Query Builder to generate the first query. Almost there.
Started the feedback round for the REST API. Please provide your input if you are currently using the action API or plan to develop against Wikidata's API in the future.
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Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf den Testwikis und ab 20 Oktober verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias ab 21 Oktober. Auf allen Wikis ab 22 Oktober (Kalender).
Zukünftige Änderungen
Du wirst am 27 Oktober um etwa 14:00 Uhr (UTC) für bis zu eine Stunde die Wikis nur lesen und nicht bearbeiten können. Der Vorgang wird vermutlich weniger als eine Stunde dauern. [12]
In the AbuseFilter extension, the rmspecials() function will be updated soon so that it does not remove the "space" character. Wikis are advised to wrap all the uses of rmspecials() with rmwhitespace() wherever necessary to keep filters' behavior unchanged. You can use the search function on Special:AbuseFilter to locate its usage.[13]
Some gadgets and user-scripts use the HTML div with the ID #jump-to-nav. This div will be removed soon. Maintainers should replace these uses with either #siteSub or #mw-content-text. A list of affected scripts is at the top of phab:T265373.
Technische Wünsche: Freiwillige für "Vorlagen"-Nutzungstests gesucht
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Vorlagen können hilfreich sein beim Schreiben und Editieren von Artikeln - jedoch auch manchmal ziemlich verwirrend. Deswegen haben wir im Rahmen des Wunsches Leichter mit Vorlagen arbeiten erste Prototypen entwickelt. Um diese zu testen, suchen wir nun Freiwillige, die zu einem Nutzungstest bereit wären.
Wen genau suchen wir? Wenn du Vorlagen verwendest oder diese sogar erstellst und pflegst, dann würden meine Kollegen und ich gerne in einem Videotelefonat von dir Feedback bekommen. Wir suchen nach Wikipedianerinnen und Wikipedianern mit einem breiten Erfahrungsspektrum. Von Wikipedianerinnen und Wikipedianern, die Vorlagen und TemplateDaten (in JSON oder mit dem TemplateData-Editor) schreiben und pflegen, bis hin zu solchen, die für ihre Bearbeitung ausschließlich den Visual Editor verwenden.
Wie wird der Test ablaufen? Die Tests sollen in einem Videoanruf (z.B. durchgeführt werden. Dabei werden wir dir Aufgaben geben und dich bitten diese zu lösen. Dies sollte zwischen 45-60 Minuten dauern. Wir möchten erfahren, wie du mit den vorgeschlagenen Verbesserungen umgehst und wie sie sich deiner Meinung nach in deine derzeitigen Arbeitsabläufe integrieren lassen. Deinerseits ist keine Vorbereitung für den Nutzungstest erforderlich. Deine Teilnahme kann im Rahmen eines Gutscheins kompensiert werden. Die Art der Kompensation hängen von dem Land ab, in dem du wohnst.
Past: Providing sustainable data services through Wikibase and Wikidata, SEMIC Conference 2020 - (replay)
Past: Introduction to Wikidata by Frimelle, Software Freedom Kosova 2020 - (replay)
Past: What's new in Wikidata? by Lea Lacroix, Lydia Pintscher and Mattia Capozzi, ItWikiCon 2020 - (replay)
Ongoing: plenty of Wikidata birthday events, online and onsite! Here's an overview of the upcoming events, you can find the links and details in the main calendar.
WikiCite virtual conference on October 26-28, live-streamed on Youtube and Twitter, with sessions across many timezones and languages – English, French, German, Indonesian, and Portuguese.
24-hours online meetup, on October 28-29: an open discussion with plenty of community members facilitating exchange around the topic "what makes you enthusiastic about Wikidata"
Gene Wiki: how to synchronize and curate primary sources with and in Wikidata, online, on October 29th
Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata (in French) - (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5)
Tool of the week
WikibaseJS-cli allows to edit Wikidata from command line, including creating items from samples ("templates") and do complex transformations of statements
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Server switch: all wikis will be in read-only on Tuesday, October 27th at 14:00 UTC for up to an hour (more information). All services hosted by WMF (e.g. tools hosted on are also impacted. Non-essential code deployments will not happen this week.
Got the Query Builder to create the first simple queries. You can follow along the development from now on on the test system.
Preparing regular JSON dumps for Lexemes (phab:T264883)
Analyzed a number of queries to the query service together with the WMF search team to better understand what the queries are doing and what further optimizations we can make to the query service and which queries need different systems to answer them.
Working on creating and tracking implicit usages of Wikidata descriptions so description changes show up in the watchlist on Wikipedia and co (phab:T265897)
Looking into what would be considered a mismatch when comparing WIkidata's data against another database. This is groundwork for potentially automating this in the future to find potential issues in the data to flag to editors.
Working on deploying the new Item quality scoring model for ORES to production so we have improved quality scores
Finished investigating how to handle a restricted list of external Wikibase services. (phab:T265118)
Removed noratelimit on bots for (phab:T258354)
Published Easier Access for Programmers to Wikidata research report
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
You will be able to read but not to edit the wikis for up to an hour on October 27 around 14:00 (UTC). It will probably be shorter than an hour. [14]
Last week, links to "diffs" from mobile watchlists and recentchanges were linking to page-revisions instead of diffs. This has now been fixed. [15]
Changes later this week
There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
Future changes
Since the introduction of the interface administrators user group in 2018, administrators couldn’t view the deleted history of CSS/JS pages. Now they can. [16]
There was a problem with the Change Tags. The software would apply the "Zurückgesetzt" tag to any page actions such as page-protection changes if they came directly after a reverted edit. This has now been fixed for new edits. [17]
The Reply tool will be offered as an opt-in Beta Feature on most Wikipedias in November. Another announcement will be made once the date is finalized. [18]
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren1 Kommentar1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
You can no longer read Wikimedia wikis if your browser uses very old TLS. This is because it is a security problem for everyone. It could lead to downgrade attacks. Since October 29, 2020, users who use old TLS versions will not be able to connect to Wikimedia projects. A list of browser recommendations is available. All modern operating systems and browsers are always able to reach Wikimedia projects. [19]
There is a new automatic tracking category available: Pages with non-numeric formatnum arguments. It collects pages which use the {{formatnum}} parser function with invalid (non-numeric) input, e.g.{{formatnum:TECHNEWS}}. Note that {{formatnum:123,456}} is also invalid input: as described in the documentation, the argument should be unformatted so that it can be reliably and correctly localised. The tracking category will help identify problematic usage and double-formatting. The new tracking category's name can be translated at translatewiki. [20]
Changes later this week
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from November 3. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from November 4. It will be on all wikis from November 5 (calendar).
Administrators and stewards will be able to use a special page (Special:CreateLocalAccount) to force local account creation for a global account. This is useful when account creation is blocked for that user (by a block or a filter). [21]
The Reply tool will be offered as an opt-in Beta Feature on most Wikipedias on November 4. This change excludes the English, Russian, and German-language Wikipedias, plus a few smaller Wikipedias with special circumstances. You can read the help page and the troubleshooting guide for more information. [22]
Future changes
A discussion has been restarted about using a Unicode minus sign (− U+2212) in the output of {{formatnum}} when it is given a negative argument. [23]
In the future IP addresses of unregistered users will not be shown for everyone. They will get an alias instead. There will be a new user right or an opt-in function for more vandal fighters to see the IPs of unregistered users. There would be some criteria for who gets the user right or opt-in. There will also be other new tools to help handle vandalism. This is early in the process and the developers are still collecting information from the communities before they suggest solutions.
Past: Wikidata & Wikibase office hour, October 27 (notes)
Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Arthur Smith and Daniel Mietchen discussing author items in Wikidata and the Author Disambiguator Tool, 3 November. Agenda
Wikidata Spanish Tutorials Website – a brand new user-friendly (with Dublin Core Metadata!) digital collection of Wikidata slides, tutorials, and manuals in Spanish (Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas, Mexico)
(Serverkonfiguration) Damit Bilder schneller angezeigt werden, erfolgt direkt beim Aufruf einer Seite eine DNS-Abfrage (preconnect) zu (Task 123582, Gerrit:639205).
(Softwareneuheit - Checkuser) Erfolgreiches und Erfolgloses Anmelden im Wiki wird in den Checkuser-Daten aufgezeichnet (Task 253802, Gerrit:639095).
Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #24 - YouTube, Facebook, November 14, 19.00 UTC
Tool of the week
Template:Cite Q on Wikipedia makes it easier to use Wikidata items as Wikipedia references.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 12 November 2020 (Add to calendar). Come and share-out anything new or exciting that’s been happening with your Wikibase instance; what have you been doing recently, what is working well, what has been challenging for you - we would like to hear them all!
Continuing work with the WMF search team to automatically categorize WDQS queries to see how they can better be served
Query Builder work is continuing. Next step is making it possible to create a query with an arbitrary Property instead of the currently hard-coded post code.
Feedback round for the REST API is finishing this week and then we will review all the feedback and make changes to the spec accordingly.
Preparing to release 1.35 version of Wikibase docker image (phab:T264538)
Fixed Math extension to not require JS parser which caused issues creating new Statements for mathematical formulae (phab:T266673)
Made sure there is a meaningful edit summary when deleting a Lexeme (phab:T263435)
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren1 Kommentar1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt
Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Gemeinschaft. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen. Übersetzungen sind verfügbar.
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
Diese Woche gibt es keine neue MediaWiki-Version.
Zukünftige Änderungen
You can see reference previews. This shows a preview of the footnote when you hover over it. This has been a beta feature. It will move out of beta and be enabled by default. There will be an option not to use it. The developers are looking for small or medium-sized wikis to be the first ones. You can let them know if your wiki is interested.[24]
From November 16 the categories will not be sorted in order for a short time. This is because the developers are upgrading to a new version of the internationalisation library. They will use a script to fix the existing categories. This can take a few hours or a few days depending on how big the wiki is. You can read more.[25][26]
Sweden report: Librarians learn about Wikidata; More Swedish literature on Wikidata; Online Edit-a-thon Dalarna; Applications to the Swedish Innovation Agency; Kulturhistoria som gymnasiearbete; Librarians and Projekt HBTQI; GLAM Statistical Tool
USA report: American Archive of Public Broadcasting; Smithsonian Women in Finance Edit-a-thon; Black Lunch Table; San Diego/October 2020; WikiWednesday Salon
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren1 Kommentar1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Letzte Änderungen
Listings on category pages are sorted on each wiki for that language using a library. For a brief period on 16 November, changes to categories will not be sorted correctly for most languages. This is because the developers are upgrading to a new version of the library. They will then use a script to fix the existing categories. This will take a few hours or a few days depending on how big the wiki is. You can read more.[27][28]
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
If you merged two pages in a namespace where pages can't redirect this used to break the merge history. This will now be fixed.[29]
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf dem Testwiki und ab 17 November verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias vom 18 November. Auf allen Wikis ab 19 November (Kalender).
Zukünftige Änderungen
The Community Wishlist Survey is now open for proposals. The survey decides what the Community Tech team will work on. You can post proposals from 16 to 30 November. You can vote on proposals from 8 December to 21 December.
Blogpost: Introducing Mapping the Scottish Reformation: Clerics, Manuscripts, and Open Data. "Most of the individuals we have found are obviously relatively obscure and have no item entry in Wikidata...As such, we have created around one thousand new items over the last two months, all of which serve as a framework to record the key parameters of a cleric’s career".
Tool of the week
ALEC (A List of Everything Cool) is a tool to explore biodiversity content in Wikidata.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Join the upcoming #1Lib1Ref Wikipedia campaign from January 15th to February 5th 2021 and improve Wikidata items by adding references to statements.
Added "Random lexeme" link under dedicated section for lexicographical data in the Wikidata sidebar (phab:T205525). Thanks to Matěj Suchánek!
Working on language/spelling variant selector bug on Special:NewItem and Special:NewLexeme that makes it difficult to continue creating Items or Lexemes (phab:T266638)
Work on the Query Builder continues. We're focusing on making it possible to query for all Items with a specific Property but any value next.
Went over all the feedback we have received for the REST API specification draft. Overall the feedback is positive and really useful. So we will move ahead after thinking more about the remaining points that were raised.
Working on making changes to descriptions show up in the RecentChanges feed and watchlists on Wikipedia and co as well even if they are not explicitly used (phab:T191831)
Fixed a problem adding statements with Properties of datatype mathematical formula (phab:T266496)
Kicked off our new effort to implement a predictable release cycle and release infrastructure for Wikibase suite by creating a prototype build workflow (phab:T267553) and prototype test workflow (phab:T267554)
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Du erhältst diese Nachricht, weil du dich für den Newsletter Technische Wünsche eingetragen hast. Danke dafür!
Ab heute Abend (16.11, 19 Uhr) läuft die jährliche Community-Wunschliste der Wikimedia Foundation. In dieser wird ermittelt welche technischen Verbesserungen die Wikimedia Communities sich am meisten wünschen. Basierend darauf wird das Community Tech-Team im kommendem Jahr einige der Wünsche umsetzen.
Vom 16. bis 30. November können Wünsche – auch auf deutsch – im Meta-Wiki eingereicht werden. Vom 8. bis 21. Dezember läuft dann die Abstimmung. -- Michael Schönitzer (WMDE) (Diskussion) 17:48, 16. Nov. 2020 (CET)
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Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Letzte Änderungen
Timestamps in Special:Log are now links. They go to Special:Log for only that entry. This is how timestamps work on for example the history page.[30]
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
Diese Woche wird es keine neue MediaWiki-Version geben.
Zukünftige Änderungen
The Wikimedia Cloud VPS hosts technical projects for the Wikimedia movement. Developers need to claim projects they use. This is because old and unused projects are removed once a year. Unclaimed projects can be shut down from 1 December. Unclaimed projects can be deleted from 1 January.[31]
ANN: A platform to annotate text with Wikidata IDs (report) "Report of the work done by the Ann team at the eLife Sprint 2020. It describes the effort pursued towards a system for universal annotation of biomedical articles using the collaborative knowledge graph of Wikidata".
How the content of Wikidata can be represented in RDF - YouTube
Tool of the week
EntityShape.js is a script that allows you to check an Item against an EntitySchema. On the Item page, it will display various information about the Item, like the properties that should be present on the Item.
Query Builder: We're making it possible to switch between querying for specific values (e.g. all Items with a specific post code) or any value (all Items with a post code statement regardless of which one it is)
Correcting the behaviour of what automatically happens on Wikidata when a page is moved on Wikipedia and co to an excluded namespace with the "suppress redirect" option (phab:T261275)
Making language fallback indicators not show up for language variant fallbacks in a few more places (phab:T267502)
Adding html language attributes for statements linking to Forms and Senses (phab:T267023)
Working on language and lexical category fields turning red on unfocus even though no changes are made after a change in ooui (phab:T266936)
Finished building the 1.35 versions of the Wikibase base and bundle docker images and published to dockerhub (phab:T264538)
(Softwareneuheit) Auf Wikimedia Commons kann nun gezielt nach Lizenzklassen gesucht werden. Das neue Suchwort haslicense wurde dazu eingeführt. Die folgenden Parameter sind gültig: haslicense:cc-by, haslicense:cc-by-sa und haslicense:unrestricted. Die konkrete Zuordnung Parameter -> Lizenz erfolgt serverseitig (Task 257938, Gerrit:643062).
Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: We will have several speakers joining us to discuss their projects in lightning talks, 1 December. Agenda
Upcoming: WMF search platform team office hour, Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020. 16:00-17:00 GMT / 08:00-09:00 PST / 11:00-12:00 EST / 17:00-18:00 CET. Etherpad, Google Meet. You can come and chat about the Wikidata & Commons Query Service.
Round 2 of the consultation on using Wikidata for curriculum digitization begun on November 24th, and will end on December 7th. You can participate by sharing your ideas in this response form (Google forms)
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Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf dem Testwiki und ab 1 Dezember verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias ab 2 Dezember. Auf allen Wikis ab 3 Dezember (Kalender).
Zukünftige Änderungen
The iOS Wikipedia app will show readers more of the article history. They can see new updates and easier see how the article has changed over time. This is an experiment. It will first be shown only to some iOS app users as a test.[32][33]
The Wiki Replicas can be used for SQL queries. You can use Quarry, PAWS or other ways to do this. To make the Wiki Replicas stable there will be two changes. Cross-database JOINS will no longer work. You can also only query a database if you connect to it directly. This will happen in February 2021. If you think this affects you and you need help you can post on Phabricator or on Wikitech.[34]
Letzter Kommentar: vor 4 Jahren1 Kommentar1 Person ist an der Diskussion beteiligt
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
You can now put pages on your watchlist for a limited period of time. Some wikis already had this function. [35][36]
Changes later this week
Information from Wikidata that is used on a wiki page can be shown in recent changes and watchlists on a Wikimedia wiki. To see this you need to turn on showing Wikidata edits in your watchlist in the preferences. Changes to the Wikidata description in the language of a Wikimedia wiki will then be shown in recent changes and watchlists. This will not show edits to languages that are not relevant to your wiki. [37][38]
The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 8 December. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 9 December. It will be on all wikis from 10 December (calendar).
User:Zvpunry/EntitySchemaHighlighter.js user script highlights the entities in the content of a Schema and shows information when hovering the link. (2020-12-07)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
We now have a central repository for wikibase-cli templates, with the aim to document best practices, offer general purpose request/create/edit templates, but also offer more niche templates as examples of what's possible: contributions and template requests welcome!
Simple Query Builder development continues. We worked on combining different query conditions as well as internationalisation.
Making the precision translatable in geocoordinate and date inputs (phab:T269102)
Changes to descriptions in a specific language now show up on watchlist and recent changes on the Wikipedia and co for that language (phab:T191831)
Finished working on the problem of incorrectly-escaped label being included in a link to Special:NewItem if there are no search results (phab:T263258)
Investigating why we're currently skipping a significant number of Item IDs (phab:T268625)
Wikibase Release Strategy/Infrastructure: We have decided where to host future Docker and tarball releases of Wikibase. You can read about the details and the reasoning in the following ADRs: Docker Image Repository, Tarball Repository
(Serverkonfiguration) Das serverseitige Rendering von graph-Elementen wurde eingestellt. Das Rendering wurde auf den Browser verlagert. Benutzer, die JavaScript in ihrem Browser deaktiviert haben, bekommen die Grafken nicht mehr zu sehen (Technische Hintergrundinformationen, Task 259207, Gerrit:645125).
(Softwareneuheit){{formatnum:-12345678.56}} mit negativen Werten zeigt in der Ausgabe das Minuszeichen „−“ statt wie bisher den Bindestrich „-“ (Task 10327, Gerrit:635546).
Template:Notebook Given name is a new template which gives for each given name a list of useful SPARQL queries. The template can be used on the talk page of given names. See Alexandre (Q16002466) for an example. Comments are Contributions are welcome.
The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 17 December 2020 (Add to calendar). We will have a few people share out about their project in the first half of the call and then continue our conversation from the last session about what will be a better platform for community discussions. Everyone is welcome to attend!
We spend the week doing some exploratory work for the next year. Among other things we looked into how to measure the number of constraint violations on an average Item and what we can learn from it.
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Neueste Technik-Nachrichten der Wikimedia-Community. Bitte informiere andere Nutzer über diese Entwicklungen. Nicht alle Änderungen werden dich betreffen.
Letzte Änderungen
Es gibt eine Wikipedia-App für Mobiltelefone mit dem Betriebsystem KaiOS. Sie wurde in Indien im September veröffenlicht. Jetzt kann sie auch in anderen Ländern heruntergeladen werden. [39]
Anstehende Änderungen im Verlauf der Woche
Die neue Version der MediaWiki-Software wird auf dem Testwiki und ab 15 Dezember verfügbar sein. Auf Nicht-Wikipedia-Wikis und einigen Wikipedias ab 16 Dezember. Auf allen Wikis ab 17 Dezember (Kalender).
Danke für den Hinweis. Die Seite, für die die Vorlagen einmal vorgesehen waren, befindet sich hier. Die Vorlagen waren einmal für ein anderes Design vorgesehen welches später verworfen wurde. Also kann von mir aus weg. Gruß, —— Elvaube?!04:38, 16. Dez. 2020 (CET)
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Du erhältst diese Nachricht, weil du dich für den Newsletter Technische Wünsche eingetragen hast. Danke dafür!
Der Schwerpunkt „Bessere Unterstützung von Geoinformationen“ wurde in der Umfrage „Technische Wünsche 2020“ zum Gewinner gewählt. Das bedeutet, dass das Team Technische Wünsche von Wikimedia Deutschland sich zwei Jahre mit diesem Themenfeld beschäftigen wird und verschiedene Probleme darin angehen. Als erster Schritt dafür läuft derzeit die Recherche nach Problemen und Bedarf. Dafür laden wir alle ein auf dieser Projektseite Probleme, Wünsche und Ideen zu sammeln, strukturieren, weiterentwickeln und diskutieren.
Um ein noch besseres Bild für die Probleme und Arbeitsweisen rund um das Thema Geoinformationen zu haben, suchen wir Freiwillige, welche sich für ein kurzes Interview bereit erklären. Wenn du Interesse hast, trag dich auf dieser Liste ein. -- Michael Schönitzer (WMDE) (Diskussion) 18:39, 16. Dez. 2020 (CET)
Continuing to work on the query builder. It can now have more than one query conditions. One of the next steps is making it possible to query for Item values. You can follow along on the demo system.
Finished working on the problem of values of Statements that link to Forms and Senses not having language attributes associated with them in the HTML code (phab:T267023)
Fixed language selectors covering other input fields when using keyboard navigation for Special:NewItem and Special:NewLexeme (phab:T266638)
Fixed language fallback indicators sometimes still shown for variant fallbacks (phab:T267502)
Working on whitespace stripped while typing when editing lexemes (phab:T250550)
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Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News
Because of the holidays the next issue of Tech News will be sent out on 11 January 2021.
Recent changes
The {{citation needed}} template shows when a statement in a Wikipedia article needs a source. If you click on it when you edit with the visual editor there is a popup that explains this. Now it can also show the reason and when it was added. [40]
Changes later this week
There is no new MediaWiki version this week or next week.
Future changes
You can propose and discuss what technical improvements should be done for geographic information. This could be coordinates, maps or other related things.
Some wikis use LanguageConverter to switch between writing systems or variants of a language. This can only be done for the entire page. There will be a <langconvert> tag that can convert a piece of text on a page. [41]
Oversighters and stewards can hide entries in Special:AbuseLog. They can soon hide multiple entries at once using checkboxes. This works like hiding normal edits. It will happen in early January. [42]
Ongoing: rC3 (remote Chaos Communication Congress). Several Wikidata-related talks and meetups happening on December 27th, 28th and 29th: introduction to Wikidata, Wikidata for datajournalists, Wikidata meetups in German and English, and a Query Service workshop. (see Wikipaka schedule for more details)
Project Grants open call for proposals in 2021. Changes in the review process for Project Grants in 2021; the open call for community organizing proposals will be from January 11 to February 10 and the open call for software and research proposals will be from February 15 to March 16.