Diskussion:Helen Svedin

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Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Monaten von LittleGun in Abschnitt Birthday
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[Quelltext bearbeiten]

@Anne Offermanns, et al: Sorry for writing in English. It is according to Population registration in Sweden, she was born "21. Oktober 1974". The link to the Wikipedia was just to show how this was discussed, at Swedish Wikipedia: [1]. I am not sure if databases is good as sources in German Wikipedia either.

I have seen dates ranging from 18-22 October and birthyear 1974, 1975 and 1976 on various sources on the internet. But:

  • The oldest mentioning of her I have found in Swedish newspapers states, in a fast facts on Figo segment: "/.../ Familj: Helene Svedin, 25 /../". Fenomenale Figo. Hans Linne, Expressen, 27. Juni 2000.
  • One year later, at their marriage: /../Mitt i all uppståndelse stod bruden Helene Svedin, 26, från Sollefteå./../. Figos bröllop - med sin svenska brud. Ulrik Sandebäck. Expressen, 1. Juli 2001.

However I fully understand if you like to keep the date of birth as 1976 based on open sources. --LittleGun (Diskussion) 14:35, 3. Jan. 2024 (CET)Beantworten

Hi, I find it problematic to include personal data about people in an article for which there is no reliable evidence. If it were up to me, there would be no date of birth there instead of a possibly incorrect one. --Anne Offermanns (Diskussion) 19:37, 3. Jan. 2024 (CET)Beantworten
Ok, that is understandable. In Sweden such data is public. So why not remove it? 1976 is most certainly incorrect. --LittleGun (Diskussion) 00:34, 4. Jan. 2024 (CET)Beantworten