Diskussion:Ignace Tax

aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
Letzter Kommentar: vor 11 Jahren von Wahrerwattwurm in Abschnitt Born in Vienna, Austria, April 9, 1909
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Born in Vienna, Austria, April 9, 1909

[Quelltext bearbeiten]


Sorry, I can't speak German. From various French sources (including the French Wikipedia and one about Saint-Etienne's street names history), it appears Ignace Tax was born in Vienna on April the 9th, 1909. Also, he asked for French citizenship immediately after Anschluss (March 1938) (nicht signierter Beitrag von (Diskussion) 14:53, 31. Jul 2013 (CEST))

Hi. Thank you for the information. The problem with the proposed d.o.b. is that the article in the French Wikipedia doesn't contain a source (neither does his biography in anciensverts.com). Same with a book on Austrian footballers abroad (David Forster, Bernhard Hachleitner, Robert Hummer und Robert Franta: „Die Legionäre“. Österreichische Fußballer in aller Welt. Lit, Berlin/Münster/Wien/Zürich/London 2011, ISBN 978-3-643-50205-6). However, the mentioned website about Saint-Étienne's street names history might be helpful; would you be so kind as to link it here for me? Greetings from --Wwwurm Mien Klönschnack 12:17, 1. Aug. 2013 (CEST)Beantworten
Just found it myself: it's http://noms.rues.st.etienne.free.fr/rues/t.html


Seems like coach Ignace Tax was based in Africa in the 1960s and successfully managed the Stade d'Abidjan team from Ivory Coast: 3 league titles in a row and they even won the "African Champions League" in 1966: https://www.fratmat.info/index.php/nos-unes/25-d%C3%A9cembre-1966-le-cadeau-de-no%C3%ABl-du-stade-d%E2%80%99abidjan-%C3%A0-la-c%C3%B4te-d%E2%80%99ivoire http://fr.allafrica.com/stories/201512260152.html

See also: https://www.contretemps.eu "Sorciers blancs" : une fable de la blanchité"