Diskussion:Liste von Apfelsorten
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Brogdale Liste einarbeiten
[Quelltext bearbeiten]www.pomologen-verein.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Brogdale_Apfelliste_2012.pdf Zufallsfund, wer nix zu tun hat ... ;-( mfg --commander-pirx (disk beiträge) 14:39, 4. Dez. 2018 (CET)
Interest in more photos?
[Quelltext bearbeiten]Hello from Sweden. Sorry for writing in english.
I looked at my old contributions to commons and saw that many of the photos I took at an "apple festival" got uploaded here. To be honest I never uploaded all photos because I lost interest in the subject. https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Uploads/TJSweden <- My old username.
I'm pretty sure I still have the CD i uploaded all apple photos to. They are all the same with text at bottom of the apples in the photo.
If this is of interest to your Wikipedia I could try to find the CD and upload all remaining photos to Commons. Let me know if you are in need of more apple photos.
Thanks. TJ Lusitanias (Diskussion) 22:31, 17. Mai 2019 (CEST)
- Hi TJ Lusitanias!
- Thank you very much for this offer! It would be great, if you could upload all the rest of your apple-pictures! Please give me a hint, when you've done it.
- gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (Diskussion) 13:32, 18. Mai 2019 (CEST)
- Thank you. I just wanted to say that I have not forgot this. I just have many little projects at the same time right now, but I plan to upload the photos as soon as I have good time for it. Sorry that it takes long time. TJ Lusitanias (Diskussion) 10:24, 29. Mai 2019 (CEST)
- No problem! gruß, fcm. --Frank C. Müller (Diskussion) 16:24, 29. Mai 2019 (CEST)
Ergänzungsliste Bundessortenamt
[Quelltext bearbeiten]Das Bundessortenamt hat im September 2024 unterhttps://www.bundessortenamt.de/bsa/media/Files/Obstliste/GLO_Ergaenzungsliste_20240920.pdf
eine Ergänzungsliste mit 21 weiteren Apfelsorten veröffentlicht. Diese Sorten sollten hier ebenfalls aufgenommen werden. --2003:C0:C717:7801:ADBA:2AB7:57DC:FEBE 20:04, 7. Okt. 2024 (CEST)
- Erledigt. Die Sorten aus der Ergänzungsliste sind vollständig erfasst. --Matthias Dillenhöfer (Diskussion) 21:22, 13. Okt. 2024 (CEST)