Diskussion:Mark Weber

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Diese Diskussionsseite dient dazu, Verbesserungen am Artikel „Mark Weber“ zu besprechen. Persönliche Betrachtungen zum Thema gehören nicht hierher. Für allgemeine Wissensfragen gibt es die Auskunft.

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Mark Weber ist kein Holocaustleugner

[Quelltext bearbeiten]
  • Why this article is in the Holocaust deniers category? Mark Weber is a historical revisionist, but he is not a Holocaust denier. He told himself (see 2:30): "I don't deny the Holocaust". May be some of his critics say that he is, but repeeting what they say is a violation of NPOV. Further, his revisionism is not only about the Holocaust, see e.g. this video.
  • Considering that Mark Weber himself told that he did not deny the Holocaust, the source provided in the article seems ridiculous, firstly because John Drobnicki is his opponent and secondly because in this article Mark Weber was not designated as a Holocaust denier. The good source on this subject is a Weber's article, where he denies the Holocaust. Could you provide it? I don't think that it is a good idea to represent Mark Weber from the point of view of his opponents. In WP all is to be represented from the neutral point of view.

(Der vorstehende, nicht signierte Beitrag – siehe dazu Hilfe:Signatur – stammt von (DiskussionBeiträge) 22:40, 29. Jul. 2008 (CEST)) Beantworten

[Quelltext bearbeiten]

GiftBot (Diskussion) 00:26, 2. Dez. 2015 (CET)Beantworten