Wikipedia:WikiProjekt Frauen/Frauen in Rot/Fehlende Artikel nach Tätigkeit/Informatikerinnen
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Diese Tabelle wird von TaxonBot automatisch aus roten Einträgen im Wikidata-System erstellt – mit zum Teil deutlich niedrigeren Relevanzkriterien für Personen als in der deutschsprachigen Wikipedia. Bitte hier daher keine manuellen Änderungen vornehmen. Vor dem Anlegen einer neuen Biografie ist daher auf jeden Fall die Bedeutung der Person zu prüfen. Alternativ nachfragen auf „Wikipedia:Relevanzcheck“ oder unserer Diskussionsseite. Die linke Tabellenspalte Wikis enthält die Zahl der anderssprachigen Artikel, die über das Wikidata-Objekt in der rechten Tabellenspalte zugänglich sind. Die Beschreibung wird ebenfalls Wikidata entnommen. Sollte keine deutschsprachige Beschreibung dort stehen, so fehlt sie in Wikidata. |
Informatikerinnen (1.109 von 2.584) | ||||||||||
# | Wikis | Name | Beschreibung / Tätigkeit | Bild | Nationalität | Geburtsdatum | Geburtsort | Sterbedatum | Sterbeort | Wikidata-Objekt |
1 | 15 | Erica Baker | Engineer, engineering manager Managerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1980 | Q43283459 | ||||
2 | 11 | Aruna Kumari Galla | Indian politician
Informatikerin |
Indien | 1944-08-01 | Diguva Magham | Q4802164 | |||
3 | 11 | Ruchi Sanghvi | Computer engineer
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1982-01-20 | Q13560796 | ||||
4 | 10 | Valeria de Paiva | Brazilian mathematician, logician, and computer scientist Informatikerin |
Brasilien | 1959-06-13 | Rio de Janeiro | Q20731777 | |||
5 | 10 | Nataša Jonoska | Macedonian mathematician, computer scientist Hochschullehrerin, |
Nordmazedonien, Vereinigte Staaten |
1961 | Q28862271 | ||||
6 | 9 | Dana Randall | US-amerikanische Informatikerin | 1968-11-28, 20. Jhdt. |
Q14120 | |||||
7 | 9 | Wang Xiaoyun | chinesische Informatikerin | 1966-01-01 | Q16478 | |||||
8 | 9 | Dorcas Muthoni | kenianische Computeringenieurin, Geschäftsfrau Informatikerin |
Kenia | 1979 | Q5297566 | ||||
9 | 9 | Anna Tramontano | Italian computational biologist
Informatikerin, |
Italien | 1957-07-14 | 2017-03-09 | Q23823628 | |||
10 | 9 | Francesca Rossi | Italian computer scientist
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Italien | 1962-12-07 | Q24004971 | ||||
11 | 9 | Tracy Chou | amerikanische Softwareingenieurin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1987 | Vereinigte Staaten | Q24238925 | |||
12 | 9 | Samrawit Fikru | Ethiopian technology entrepreneur
Softwareentwicklerin |
Äthiopien | 1990 | Q115650105 | ||||
13 | 8 | Ping Fu | Unternehmensleiterin
Geschäftsfrau |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1958 | Q7562 | ||||
14 | 8 | Molly Holzschlag | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1963-01-25 | 2023-09-05 | Q11638 | |||
15 | 8 | Gina Bianchini | US-amerikanische Geschäftsfrau | 1972 | Q18263 | |||||
16 | 8 | Dhvani Desai | indischer Filmregisseur
Filmregisseurin |
Indien | 1968-11-11 | Q5269936 | ||||
17 | 8 | Sreelakshmi Suresh | Indische Web-Designerin | 1998-02-05 | Q7585715 | |||||
18 | 8 | Anastasia Ailamaki | Greek/Swiss computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1969 | Q16002140 | ||||
19 | 8 | Eleni Antoniadou | Greek scientist, entrepreneur |
1988 | Q21642263 | |||||
20 | 8 | Janet Kelso | South African bioinformatician
Bioinformatikerin |
Südafrika | 1975-03-24 | Q26896948 | ||||
21 | 8 | Clarisse Iribagiza | Rwandan CEO, co-founder of HeHe Limited Informatikerin |
Ruanda | 1988-01-28 | Q28648829 | ||||
22 | 8 | Jennifer Radloff | South African feminist activist
Aktivistin |
Südafrika | 1961 | Q33091030 | ||||
23 | 8 | Cecilia Berdichevski | Argentinian computer scientist
Mathematikerin |
Argentinien | 1926-06-02 | 2010-02-27 | Q52282738 | |||
24 | 7 | Francine Berman | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1951-02-07 | Q11433 | ||||
25 | 7 | Lois Haibt | US-amerikanische Informatikerin | 1934 | Q11624 | |||||
26 | 7 | Wanda Orlikowski | Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Südafrika | 20. Jhdt. | Q14102 | ||||
27 | 7 | Meredith L. Patterson | US-amerikanische Informatikerin, Schriftstellerin Informatikerin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1977-04-30 | Q14105 | ||||
28 | 7 | Carol Berg | American writer
Romancière |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1948 | Fort Worth | Q2903751 | |||
29 | 7 | Melanie Mitchell | American scientist | 1969 | Q3304896 | |||||
30 | 7 | Kate Starbird | US-amerikanische Informatikerin, ehemalige professionelle Basketballspielerin Akademikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1975-07-30 | West Point | Q3813333 | |||
31 | 7 | Jessie Paul | Indian businessman | Q6187790 | ||||||
32 | 7 | Maria Petrou | AI researcher
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Griechenland | 1953-05-17 | 2012-10-15 | Q6761495 | |||
33 | 7 | Veronica Dahl | Kanadische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Argentinien | 1951 | Buenos Aires | Q7922401 | |||
34 | 7 | Regina Agyare | Ghanaian software developer, founder of Soronko Solutions |
1980er-Jahre | Q16297487 | |||||
35 | 7 | Victoria Aihar | Uruguayan web designer, programmer, author Programmiererin, |
Spanien, Uruguay |
1978-04-19 | Q21126885 | ||||
36 | 7 | Christine Orengo | Professor of Bioinformatics
Bioinformatikerin |
1955-06-22 | Q21572185 | |||||
37 | 7 | Sharla Boehm | Programmed the first packet switching
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1929-12-04 | 2023-04-14 | Santa Monica | Q52576612 | ||
38 | 7 | Safiya Umoja Noble | amerikanische Soziologin
Informatikerin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q54856700 | ||||
39 | 7 | Rediet Abebe | Ethiopian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1991 | Addis Abeba | Q70252275 | ||||
40 | 6 | Sandra Lerner | Unternehmensgründerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1955 | Q7549 | ||||
41 | 6 | Jaime Levy | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Beraterin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1966, 1966-03-08 |
Los Angeles | Q7567 | |||
42 | 6 | Donna Auguste | amerikanische Geschäftsfrau, Programmiererin Geschäftsfrau |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1958 | Q10942 | ||||
43 | 6 | Amanda Chessell | britische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1965-04-11 | Q11488 | ||||
44 | 6 | Susan Dumais | Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q11569 | ||||
45 | 6 | Lynne Jolitz | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1961-06-30 | Q11742 | ||||
46 | 6 | Ursula Martin | britische Informatikerin (* 1953)
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1953-08-03 | Q14010 | ||||
47 | 6 | Barbara Simons (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Barbara Simons.) |
US-amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin | 1941-01-26 | Q14250 | |||||
48 | 6 | Paulien Hogeweg | Dutch theoretical biologist
Bioinformatikerin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1943-12-24 | Q281580 | ||||
49 | 6 | Gloria Guevara | Mexican politician | 1967-09-01 | Q509547 | |||||
50 | 6 | Barbara Pernici | italienische Schachspielerin
Forscherin, |
Italien | 1956-06-26 | Q3634671 | ||||
51 | 6 | Bobbi Johnson | Model aus den Vereinigten Staaten
Schönheitswettbewerbsteilnehmerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1945-03-24 | Q3641375 | ||||
52 | 6 | Jan Jones | British writer
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1955-12-24 | Q6149189 | ||||
53 | 6 | Chitra Dutta | Indian bioinformatician
Computerbiologin |
Indien | Q18347409 | |||||
54 | 6 | Carme Torras | spanische Schriftstellerin, Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz Hochschullehrerin |
Spanien | 1956, 1956-07-04 |
Q19289075 | ||||
55 | 6 | Bita Daryabari | Iranian-American philanthropist, entrepreneur, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1969-04-06 | Q20109804 | ||||
56 | 6 | Gloria Gordon Bolotsky | American computer scientist (1921-2009) | 1921-07-28 | 2009-06-30 | Q20856042 | ||||
57 | 6 | Rapelang Rabana | Computer scientist, Entrepreneur, and keynote speaker |
Q20981886 | ||||||
58 | 6 | Diana Garrigosa Laspeñas | spanische Politikerin, Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin Wirtschaftswissenschaftlerin |
Spanien | 1944-11-10 | 2020-02-10 | Q22337903 | |||
59 | 6 | Divya Jain | software engineer | Q22915099 | ||||||
60 | 6 | Rəna Qasımova | Computer scientist | 1961-11-30 | Q23685148 | |||||
61 | 6 | Magdolna Zimányi | Hungarian mathematician, computer scientist Mathematikerin |
Ungarn | 1934-11-29 | 2016-03-27 | Q24877268 | |||
62 | 6 | Aminata Sana Congo | Burkina Faso politician
Informatikerin |
Burkina Faso | 1974 | Q27756239 | ||||
63 | 6 | Núria López-Bigas | spanische Biologin, Bioinformatikerin |
1975 | Q28737768 | |||||
64 | 6 | Barbara Mulwana | Ugandan electrical engineer, computer scientist Ingenieurin |
Uganda | 1965 | Q42529036 | ||||
65 | 6 | Alexandra Boltasseva | professor of electrical, computer engineering at Purdue University Physikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1978-01-11 | Q61611955 | ||||
66 | 6 | Julie Zhuo | Chinese-American businessperson, computer scientist Geschäftsfrau |
Q63341423 | ||||||
67 | 6 | Magdalena Bałazińska | computer scientist | Q79052339 | ||||||
68 | 6 | Shamim Rajani | Pakistani computer scientist | Q101531090 | ||||||
69 | 5 | Chrisanthi Avgerou | britische Professorin
Informatikerin |
Griechenland | 1954 | Q10947 | ||||
70 | 5 | Frances Yao | chinesisch-amerikanische Informatikerin
Mathematikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q16497 | ||||
71 | 5 | Danièle Hérin | French politician | Frankreich | 1947-01-14 | Q3015137 | ||||
72 | 5 | Emilia Currás | spanische Dokumentarin
Hochschullehrerin |
Spanien | 1927-10-08 | 2020-03-29 | Q5830829 | |||
73 | 5 | Marcia J. Bates | American academic
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1942 | Q6757112 | ||||
74 | 5 | Drude Berntsen | Norwegian computer scientist | 1939-02-21 | Q16174254 | |||||
75 | 5 | Yoky Matsuoka | Japanese computer scientist
Forscherin, |
Japan, Vereinigte Staaten |
1971-06-10 | Q16221584 | ||||
76 | 5 | Faustine Fotso | Cameroonian computer scientist, lawyer Umweltschützerin |
Kamerun | 1965-06-12 | Q16635922 | ||||
77 | 5 | Jacqueline Naze Tjøtta | Norwegian mathematician, professor Informatikerin, |
Frankreich, Norwegen |
1935-06-01 | 2017-03-09 | Q17112464 | |||
78 | 5 | Alicia Oshlack | Australische Bioinformatikerin
Bioinformatikerin |
Australien | 1975 | Q17517288 | ||||
79 | 5 | Susan Estrada | internet pioneer
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q18246768 | ||||
80 | 5 | Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay | Indian computer scientist
Forscherin |
Indien | 1968 | Q18354700 | ||||
81 | 5 | Vicki Lynne Hanson | American computer scientist | 1951 | Q18619030 | |||||
82 | 5 | Lea Verou | griechische Webentwicklerin
Informatikerin |
Griechenland | 1986-06-13 | Q18638030 | ||||
83 | 5 | Nina Amenta | American computer scientist
Akademikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q20630491 | |||||
84 | 5 | Alessandra Carbone | Italian mathematician, computer scientist Hochschullehrerin |
Italien | 1962 | Q27559542 | ||||
85 | 5 | Rachel Sibande | Malawian technology expert, computer scientist. Founder, mHub |
1986-01-09 | Q27980115 | |||||
86 | 5 | Ayorkor Korsah | The head of the Department of Computer Science at Ashesi University College in Ghana.
Akademikerin |
Ghana | Q47493057 | |||||
87 | 5 | Kimberly Arcand | US-amerikanische Astronomin
Filmproduzentin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1975-12-20 | Q55451426 | ||||
88 | 5 | Yael Tauman Kalai | cryptographer, theoretical computer scientist Kryptographin |
Israel | Tel Aviv-Jaffa | Q56065688 | ||||
89 | 5 | Betelhem Dessie | Äthiopische Entwicklerin von Web-, Mobiltechnologien |
1999 | Q57236421 | |||||
90 | 5 | Esther Arkin | Israeli-American mathematician, computer scientist Mathematikerin |
Israel | 1950er-Jahre | Q57586405 | ||||
91 | 5 | Amina Doumane | Moroccan theoretical computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Marokko | 1990-09-02 | Q65707471 | ||||
92 | 5 | Maya Ackerman | Russian-American computer scientist | Q67485155 | ||||||
93 | 5 | Anne Amuzu | Ghanaian computer scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q70593992 | |||||
94 | 5 | Cassie Kozyrkov | South African data scientist
Statistikerin |
Südafrika | 20. Jhdt. | Sankt Petersburg | Q81667773 | |||
95 | 5 | Nikisha Jariwala | Indian computer scientist, professor Informatikerin |
Indien | 1985 | Q83688587 | ||||
96 | 5 | Camilla Pang | britische Biologin
Akademikerin, |
1992 | Q95607073 | |||||
97 | 5 | Adji Bousso Dieng | Senegalese computer scientist | Q98785095 | ||||||
98 | 5 | Liisa Past | Estonian cybersecurity expert
Informatikerin |
Estland | 1980-05-01 | Q101096116 | ||||
99 | 5 | Sadia Bashir | Pakistani computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102443647 | ||||||
100 | 5 | Tesh Sidi | Sahrawi-Spanish computer scientist, politician Politikerin |
Spanien | 1994-05-30 | Sahrawi Flüchtlingscamp | Q119268257 | |||
101 | 4 | Anita K. Jones | amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1942-03-10 | Fort Worth | Q9895 | |||
102 | 4 | Jeanne Ferrante | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1949 | Q11589 | ||||
103 | 4 | Nancy Davis Griffeth | US-amerikanische Informatikerin | 1945-10-26 | Q11619 | |||||
104 | 4 | Lila Kari | rumänisch-kanadische Informatikerin | 20. Jhdt. | Q11743 | |||||
105 | 4 | Caryn Navy | amerikanische Mathematikerin, Computerwissenschaftlerin Mathematikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1953-07-05 | Q14098 | ||||
106 | 4 | Dana Ron | israelische Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Israel | 1964 | Q14220 | ||||
107 | 4 | Margo Seltzer | amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin | 20. Jhdt. | Q14237 | |||||
108 | 4 | Ellen Spertus | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Vereinigte Staaten | Q14257 | ||||
109 | 4 | Katherine St. John | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1966 | Q14260 | ||||
110 | 4 | Sue Whitesides | kanadische Mathematikerin, Informatikerin Mathematikerin |
Kanada | 20. Jhdt. | Q16481 | ||||
111 | 4 | Sandy Carter | Computerwissenschaftlerin, Geschäftsfrau Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q21805 | ||||
112 | 4 | Rosa Luz Alegría | Mexican physicist
Informatikerin, |
Mexiko | 1949 | Q2717630 | ||||
113 | 4 | Beth Simone Noveck | American government officer
Beraterin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1971 | Toms River | Q3661885 | |||
114 | 4 | Sarita Adve | computer scientist, professor |
Q4815207 | ||||||
115 | 4 | Dana Angluin | Professor of computer science
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q4815229 | |||||
116 | 4 | Tracy Camp | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1964-09-27 | Q4815266 | ||||
117 | 4 | Frederica Darema | physicist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1940er-Jahre | Q4815297 | ||||
118 | 4 | Deborah L. McGuinness | US-amerikanische Informatikerin, Hochschullehrerin Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1960 | Q5248328 | ||||
119 | 4 | Kathryn S. McKinley | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1962-01-10 | Q6377119 | ||||
120 | 4 | Marie-Laure Ryan | Literary scholar, academic, critic Informatikerin, |
Schweiz, Vereinigte Staaten |
1946 | Q6762684 | ||||
121 | 4 | Pamela Samuelson | American lawyer, professor Akademikerin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q7129255 | |||||
122 | 4 | Window Snyder | Computer security expert | 1976 | Q8024355 | |||||
123 | 4 | Anna Patterson | Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
1973 | Q9127588 | |||||
124 | 4 | Arantza Diaz de Ilarraza Sanchez | baskische Informatikerin, Hochschullehrerin |
1957-04-18 | Q12253843 | |||||
125 | 4 | Maarja Kruusmaa | Estonian roboticist
Informatikerin, |
Estland, Sowjetunion |
1970-01-04 | Q12369386 | ||||
126 | 4 | Jeanne W. Ross | American computer scientist | 1958 | Q15429176 | |||||
127 | 4 | Lori A. Clarke | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1970 | New York City | Q15994985 | |||
128 | 4 | Raji Arasu | Indian American computer scientist/internet technology engineer/product executive
Ingenieurin |
Indien | 1949 | Q16149766 | ||||
129 | 4 | Bonnie Roupé | Schwedische IT-Unternehmerin
Informatikerin |
Schweden | 1976 | Q16596220 | ||||
130 | 4 | Katherine Yelick | American computer scientist, academic |
20. Jhdt. | Q16887152 | |||||
131 | 4 | Lada Adamic | American scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q16930944 | |||||
132 | 4 | Margaret Benston | kanadische Informatikerin, Chemikerin Informatikerin |
Kanada | 1937-10-01 | 1991-03-07 | Q17402465 | |||
133 | 4 | Catherine Havasi | US-amerikanische Wissenschaftlerin | 1981 | Q17490540 | |||||
134 | 4 | Priti Shankar | Indian professor, researcher (1947-2011) Forscherin, |
Indische Union, Indien |
1947-09 | 2011-10 | Q18341851 | |||
135 | 4 | Janice Lourie | American computer scientist
Informatikerin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1930-07-09 | Q18738792 | ||||
136 | 4 | Jill P. Mesirov | American mathematician, computer scientist, and computational biologist Computerbiologin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q19664665 | |||||
137 | 4 | Juliana Freire | Brazilian computer scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q20088152 | |||||
138 | 4 | Tülay Adalı | professor of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering Informatikerin |
Türkei | 1965-07-18 | Q20150001 | ||||
139 | 4 | Rachel Binx | American data visualizer, developer, and designer |
Q20806992 | ||||||
140 | 4 | Dilma Da Silva | Brazilian-American systems software researcher cloud computing
Informatikerin |
Brasilien | 1965-06-16 | São Paulo | Q21005500 | |||
141 | 4 | Brenda Baker | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q23419296 | |||||
142 | 4 | Padma Raghavan | computer scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q24053958 | |||||
143 | 4 | Aude Billard | Swiss physicist
Informatikerin |
Schweiz | 1971 | Q25816683 | ||||
144 | 4 | Catherine E. Delahodde | French astronomer
Informatikerin |
Frankreich | 1974 | Q25918123 | ||||
145 | 4 | Simone Fischer-Hübner | expert on IT security, personal integrity, computer science professor |
1963, 1963-01-13 |
Q25935851 | |||||
146 | 4 | Gillian Lovegrove | British computer scientist, academic |
1942-10-28 | Q26924691 | |||||
147 | 4 | Kriti Sharma | artificial intelligence technologist | 1988 | Q27576279 | |||||
148 | 4 | Maryam Sadeghi | kanadische Geschäftsfrau, Informatikerin Geschäftsfrau |
Kanada | 1980 | Q27653316 | ||||
149 | 4 | Pascale Fung | Professor
Forscherin |
1966 | Q28839527 | |||||
150 | 4 | Raquel Urtasun | professor at the University of Toronto
Akademikerin, |
Kanada, Spanien |
1976-01-30 | Q30325390 | ||||
151 | 4 | Virginia Vassilevska Williams | Theoretical computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q39609668 | ||||||
152 | 4 | Margaret Burnett | American computer scientist
Autorin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1949-06-03 | Q47294258 | ||||
153 | 4 | Ruth Misener | American computer scientist, academic |
Q47501291 | ||||||
154 | 4 | Shikoh Gitau | Kenyan computer scientist, technology innovator Informatikerin |
Kenia | 1980er-Jahre | Q50379538 | ||||
155 | 4 | Rita Cucchiara | Italian computer scientist (1965-)
Hochschullehrerin |
Italien | 1965, 1965-03-13 |
Q51680396 | ||||
156 | 4 | Tanzima Hashem | Bangladeshi academi researching user privacy on the Internet | Q51752485 | ||||||
157 | 4 | Unoma Ndili Okorafor | Nigerian computer scientist, entrepreneur Unternehmerin |
Nigeria | 20. Jhdt. | Q54939343 | ||||
158 | 4 | Paola Velardi | Professor of computer science | 1955 | Q56331825 | |||||
159 | 4 | Virginia Dignum | computer scientist, artificial intelligence researcher |
1964-05-02 | Q59587250 | |||||
160 | 4 | Rebeca Guber | Argentine mathematician | 1926-07-02 | 2020-08-25 | Q60829798 | ||||
161 | 4 | Małgorzata Kalinowska-Iszkowska | Polish computer scientist | 1946-07 | Q61833114 | |||||
162 | 4 | Cathy Edwards | Australian software engineer
Softwareingenieurin |
Australien | 20. Jhdt. | Q61837422 | ||||
163 | 4 | Roxana Geambașu | computer scientist | Q62773910 | ||||||
164 | 4 | Inga Strümke | researcher from Norway
Førsteamanuensis |
Norwegen | 1989 | Q64346769 | ||||
165 | 4 | Raissa D'Souza | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Vereinigte Staaten | Q65548983 | |||
166 | 4 | Rama Akkiraju | American computer scientist | Q69837892 | ||||||
167 | 4 | Jeanne Clare Adams | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1921-06-15 | 2007-04-21 | Q72221743 | ||||
168 | 4 | Lilya Budaghyan | Armenian cryptographer, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Armenien | 1976-01-29 | Q89377117 | ||||
169 | 4 | Elette Boyle | American, Israeli computer scientist, cryptographer |
Q95000254 | ||||||
170 | 4 | Deborah Washington Brown | US computer scientist, speech recognition researcher Erfinderin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1952-06-03 | Washington, D.C. | 2020-06-05 | Q96741773 | ||
171 | 4 | Urmila Mahadev | American mathematician
Mathematikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q99485343 | |||||
172 | 4 | Temiloluwa Prioleau | Nigerian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Nigeria | Q106080586 | |||||
173 | 4 | Francisca Oladipo | Nigerian computer scientist
Programmiererin |
1978-01-15 | Ida really | Q111103288 | ||||
174 | 4 | Shalini Kapoor | technology strategist | Q111425865 | ||||||
175 | 3 | Sarah Allen (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Sarah Allen.) |
US-amerikanische Softwareentlwicklerin
Softwareentwicklerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q9605 | ||||
176 | 3 | Maxine D. Brown | US-amerikanische Informatikerin | 20. Jhdt. | Q11484 | |||||
177 | 3 | Anne Condon | irisch-kanadische Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Kanada | 20. Jhdt. | Q11489 | ||||
178 | 3 | Leah Culver | Informatikerin
Bloggerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1982-11-05 | Q11529 | ||||
179 | 3 | Rebecca Grinter | US-amerikanische Informatikerin mit Schwerpunkt Mensch-Computer-Interaktion
Professorin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1960er-Jahre | Q11620 | ||||
180 | 3 | Jane Hillston | britische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1963 | Q11630 | ||||
181 | 3 | Corinna E. Lathan | US-amerikanische Wissenschaftlerin
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q11771 | ||||
182 | 3 | Ming C. Lin | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Forscherin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q11775 | ||||
183 | 3 | Enid Mumford | britische Sozialwissenschaftlerin, Computerwissenschaftlerin Hochschullehrerin, |
Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Irland, Vereinigtes Königreich |
1924-03-06 | 2006-04-07 | Q14097 | |||
184 | 3 | Angela Orebaugh | Computerwissenschaftlerin | 1973 | Q14101 | |||||
185 | 3 | Diane Pozefsky | amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q14111 | |||||
186 | 3 | Kaisa Sere | finnische Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Finnland | 1954-06-03 | 2012-12-05 | Q14239 | |||
187 | 3 | Hava Siegelmann | Computterwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1964-08-23 | Q14243 | ||||
188 | 3 | Stella Atkins | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1946 | Q14261 | ||||
189 | 3 | Carolyn Talcott | US-amerikanische Informatikerin | 1941-06-14 | Q15020 | |||||
190 | 3 | Jaime Teevan | amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
1976 | Q15036 | |||||
191 | 3 | Gail Williams | amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1953 | Q16486 | ||||
192 | 3 | Jennifer Seberry | Australian cryptographer
Informatikerin |
Australien | 1944-02-13 | Q3177104 | ||||
193 | 3 | Violaine Prince | French composer
Komponistin |
Frankreich | 1958-01-02 | Q3560370 | ||||
194 | 3 | Borka Jerman Blažič | Slovenian internet pioneer | 1947 | Q4945579 | |||||
195 | 3 | Ellen Ullman | American writer
Programmiererin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1949-06-13 | Q5365042 | ||||
196 | 3 | Dorothy McEwen Kildall | American microcomputer industry pioneer (1943-2005) | 1943-03-03 | 2005-01-31 | Q5813626 | ||||
197 | 3 | Olga Troyanskaya | American academic | Q7086693 | ||||||
198 | 3 | Rohini Kesavan Srihari | American computer scientist | Q7359745 | ||||||
199 | 3 | Ronitt Rubinfeld | amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1964 | Q7365721 | ||||
200 | 3 | Arantza Illarramendi | spanische Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Spanien | 1958 | Q12253844 | ||||
201 | 3 | Gordana Pavlović-Lažetić | Serbian mathematician (*1955) | 1955 | Q12750312 | |||||
202 | 3 | Pat Ambler | English roboticist
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1936-02-13 | Woodford Wells | 2017-01-28 | Q15991498 | ||
203 | 3 | Ankita Gaba | Indian businesswoman | 1985-04-04 | Q16148374 | |||||
204 | 3 | Mare Koit | Forscher
Informatikerin |
Estland | 1945-05-22 | Q16403718 | ||||
205 | 3 | Susan H. Rodger | American computer scientist | Q16975756 | ||||||
206 | 3 | Hagit Attiya | Israeli computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Israel | 1962-02-16 | Q17505324 | ||||
207 | 3 | Hadas Shachnai | Israeli computer scientist | 1960er-Jahre | Q17505345 | |||||
208 | 3 | Judith Gal-Ezer | Israeli computer science professor | 1947 | Q18191224 | |||||
209 | 3 | Elaine Surick Oran | Forscher | 1946-04-16 | Q18353093 | |||||
210 | 3 | Moira Burke | American computer scientist working in the field of human-computer interaction
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q19538801 | |||||
211 | 3 | Naomi Sager | Computational linguistics expert | 1927 | Q19594777 | |||||
212 | 3 | Cherri M. Pancake | ethnographer, computer scientist Ethnografin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q20085773 | |||||
213 | 3 | Rina Dechter | computer scientist | 1950 | Q20161230 | |||||
214 | 3 | Lorraine Borman | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q20248088 | |||||
215 | 3 | Wendy Kellogg | American psychologist | 20. Jhdt. | Q20675555 | |||||
216 | 3 | Stephanie Seneff | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1948-04-20 | Q20675718 | ||||
217 | 3 | Jean Bacon | British computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1942 | Q20831555 | ||||
218 | 3 | Hilary Kahn | britische Informatikerin
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1943 | 2007 | Q20985411 | |||
219 | 3 | Anne Trefethen | computer scientist | Q21096586 | ||||||
220 | 3 | Marie-Claude Gaudel | French mathematician, computer scientist Forscherin |
Frankreich | 1946-12-14 | Q21127205 | ||||
221 | 3 | Anne-Marie Kermarrec | French computer scientist | 1970-10-02 | Q21254389 | |||||
222 | 3 | Robin Murphy | disaster roboticist
Science-Fiction-Schriftstellerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1957-08-25 | Q23782688 | ||||
223 | 3 | Karen Banks | British computer networking pioneer | 20. Jhdt. | Q24763697 | |||||
224 | 3 | Melanie Bahlo | Australian geneticist
Bioinformatikerin |
Australien | 20. Jhdt. | Q26276774 | ||||
225 | 3 | Rineke Verbrugge | university teacher
Informatikerin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1965-03-12 | Q26849480 | ||||
226 | 3 | Svetha Venkatesh | Indian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Indien | Q27063015 | |||||
227 | 3 | Věra Kůrková | Czech mathematician, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Tschechien | 1948 | Q27869516 | ||||
228 | 3 | Mary K. Hawes | Computer scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q27881151 | |||||
229 | 3 | Melanie Rieback | Dutch-American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1978-10-26 | Q27909583 | ||||
230 | 3 | Vijaya Ramachandran | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q28112923 | ||||||
231 | 3 | Rada Mihalcea | researcher | 1974, 20. Jhdt. |
Q28381172 | |||||
232 | 3 | Cheryl L. Shavers | American chemist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1953-12-26 | San Marcos | Q28842038 | |||
233 | 3 | Marie-France Sagot | French-Brazilian bioinformatician (1956-), Director of Research at INRIA |
1956 | Q28870460 | |||||
234 | 3 | Elizabeth Belding | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q29347785 | ||||||
235 | 3 | Rebecca Bace | American computer security expert | 1955-08-07 | 2017-03-14 | Q29475187 | ||||
236 | 3 | Valerie Barr | computer scientist | Q30303031 | ||||||
237 | 3 | Maristella Agosti | italienische Informatikerin (geb. 1950)
Hochschullehrerin |
Italien | 1950 | Q31271092 | ||||
238 | 3 | Mildred Barnard | Australian biometrician, mathematician, statistician (1908–2000) Mathematikerin |
Australien | 1908-08-05 | 2000-03-09 | Q37922330 | |||
239 | 3 | Nancy Arana-Daniel | Mexican computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Mexiko | Q41584742 | |||||
240 | 3 | Dita Přikrylová | Czech NGO Czechitas founder
Managerin |
Tschechien | 1989-02-26 | Q42418376 | ||||
241 | 3 | Wendy Mackay | Computer Scientist | 1956-05-25 | Q47289503 | |||||
242 | 3 | Yejin Choi | Professorin für Informatik, Forscherin Akademikerin |
Südkorea | Q51363202 | |||||
243 | 3 | Lila Ibrahim | American computer scientist | Q52274773 | ||||||
244 | 3 | Carrie Anne Philbin | Director of Education at the Raspberry Pi Foundation | Q55809491 | ||||||
245 | 3 | Brandeis Marshall | American data scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q56036497 | |||||
246 | 3 | Joan Boyar | American, Danish computer scientist Informatikerin |
Dänemark | 1955-04-18 | Q56594543 | ||||
247 | 3 | Joan L. Mitchell | American computer scientist, inventor Erfinderin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1947-05-24 | 2015-12-02 | Q57598619 | |||
248 | 3 | Linda Pagli | Italian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Italien | 1950 | Q57915863 | ||||
249 | 3 | Felienne Hermans | Forscher
Hochschullehrerin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1984, 1984-02-04 |
Q59511246 | ||||
250 | 3 | Cynthia Rudin | American computer scientist, statistician Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1976 | Q59662692 | ||||
251 | 3 | Carol Frieze | American computer scientist | 1947, 1947-11-28 |
Q60731377 | |||||
252 | 3 | Maria Antonia Martí Antonín | spanische Forscherin, Linguistin Linguistin |
Spanien | 1950-01-21 | Q61677472 | ||||
253 | 3 | Kathryn Leonard | American mathematician, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q62991260 | |||||
254 | 3 | Ellen Fetter | American computer scientist, chaos theory researcher Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1940 | Q64009488 | ||||
255 | 3 | Sue Sentance | British computer scientist, educator Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | Q64829651 | |||||
256 | 3 | Anicia Peters | Namibische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Namibia | 1972 | Q65508076 | ||||
257 | 3 | Elham Kashefi | computer scientist, quantum computing researcher |
Q66942146 | ||||||
258 | 3 | Mary Glackin | American scientist
Administratorin |
Q67201490 | ||||||
259 | 3 | Sibel Adalı | Turkish-American computer scientist | Q67497540 | ||||||
260 | 3 | Sushmita Ruj | Indian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Indien | Q68544272 | |||||
261 | 3 | Marlene Hazle | American computer scientist (1934-2011) | 1934-05-08 | 2011-06-07 | Q69259920 | ||||
262 | 3 | Nazanin Daneshvar | female Iranian Internet. entrepreneur
Informatikerin |
Iran | 1983 | Q71953348 | ||||
263 | 3 | Michal Parnas | Israeli theoretical computer scientist | Q77881291 | ||||||
264 | 3 | Jesse Shanahan | American disability activist, astrophysicist Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q78173281 | |||||
265 | 3 | Helen Chan Wolf | artificial intelligence pioneer
Robotikerin |
Q80362266 | ||||||
266 | 3 | Sheree Atcheson | Sri Lankan-born Irish computer scientist | 1991-02-28 | Q80588754 | |||||
267 | 3 | Mária Bieliková | Slovak computer scientist (born 1966)
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
1966-08-21 | Q85418960 | |||||
268 | 3 | Anca Muscholl | Professor at the Université Bordeaux
Forscherin |
1967 | Q90410566 | |||||
269 | 3 | Nataliya Zubar | Ukrainian activist, IT-specialist Person des öffentlichen Lebens, |
Ukraine | 1965-01-25 | Q90744534 | ||||
270 | 3 | Tyra G. Wolfsberg | American bioinformatician
Bioinformatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q93091416 | |||||
271 | 3 | Sihem Amer-Yahia | Algerian computer scientist | 1972 | Q93377981 | |||||
272 | 3 | Maria-Florina Balcan | Romanian computer scientist | Q95280352 | ||||||
273 | 3 | Catherine D’Ignazio | American academic
Designerin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1975 | Vereinigte Staaten | Q96083446 | |||
274 | 3 | Vijayalakshmi Atluri | Indian computer scientist | 1956-05-31 | Q100223754 | |||||
275 | 3 | Maggie Cheng | Applied mathematician, computer scientist, and network scientist Mathematikerin |
Q101173909 | ||||||
276 | 3 | Dorit Dor | Israeli executive, computer scientist, Chief technology officer of Check Point Software Technologies |
1967-02-05 | Q102236353 | |||||
277 | 3 | Sunita Sarawagi | Indian computer scientist | Q102261851 | ||||||
278 | 3 | Laura Chaubard | French mathematician
Informatikerin |
Frankreich | 1980-02 | Q102355527 | ||||
279 | 3 | Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau | American computer scientist | Q102569817 | ||||||
280 | 3 | Latifa Al-Abdulkarim | Saudi Arabian artificial intelligence scientist | Q102764596 | ||||||
281 | 3 | Adriana Lara López | Mexican computer scientist | Q103142864 | ||||||
282 | 3 | Abeba Birhane | Ethiopian-born cognitive scientist
Kognitionswissenschaftlerin |
Äthiopien | Q105834628 | |||||
283 | 3 | Linnyer Beatrys Ruiz Aylon | Brazilian computer scientist | Q106193106 | ||||||
284 | 3 | Khalia Braswell | American computer scientist | Q106492880 | ||||||
285 | 3 | Nerea Luis Mingueza | Spaans kunstmatige intelligentie-onderzoekster
Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1991 | Q108296191 | ||||
286 | 3 | Kavitha Telikepalli | Indian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1974 | Q110843956 | |||||
287 | 3 | Nina da Hora | computer scientist, anti-racist activist Aktivistin |
Brasilien | 1995 | Duque de Caxias | Q111601716 | |||
288 | 3 | Tetyana Baydyk | Ukrainian image recognition researcher
Elektroingenieurin, |
Sowjetunion, Ukraine |
1954-03-25 | Q116195974 | ||||
289 | 3 | Lata Narayanan | Indian-Canadian computer scientist | 1966 | Q116856080 | |||||
290 | 3 | Anat Bremler-Barr | Israeli computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Israel | 1972 | Q117481809 | ||||
291 | 3 | Sujata Banerjee | Indian, American computer scientist |
Q120652991 | ||||||
292 | 3 | Bożenna Hołownia | Polish politician
Informatikerin |
Polen | 1953-07-27 | Q126927427 | ||||
293 | 2 | Annie Antón | Vorsitzende der Georgia Tech's School of Interactive Computing | 20. Jhdt. | Q9912 | |||||
294 | 2 | Susan Gerhart | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1950er-Jahre | Q11600 | ||||
295 | 2 | Janet L. Kolodner | US-amerikanische Kognitionswissenschaftlerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q11757 | |||||
296 | 2 | Amy L. Lansky | US-amerikanische Autorin, Informatikerin Homöopathin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1955 | Q11770 | ||||
297 | 2 | Joyce Currie Little | US-amerikanische Informatikerin | 2023 | Q11777 | |||||
298 | 2 | Lori McCreary | Filmproduzentin, Computerwissenschaftlerin Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q14089 | |||||
299 | 2 | Renée Miller | Computrwissenschaftlerin | Q14095 | ||||||
300 | 2 | Susan Owicki | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q14104 | |||||
301 | 2 | Joanne Pransky | amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1959 | 2023-05-04 | Q14113 | |||
302 | 2 | Elizabeth Rather | amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin | 1940-08-03 | Q14210 | |||||
303 | 2 | Marilyn Tremaine | amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q15313 | |||||
304 | 2 | Elaine Weyuker | amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1945-11-22 | Q16480 | ||||
305 | 2 | Myra Wilson | Computerwissenschaftlerin | 20. Jhdt. | Q16487 | |||||
306 | 2 | Maria Zemankova | amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Tschechoslowakei | 1951-01-06 | Q16500 | ||||
307 | 2 | Katalin Balla | informaticus | 1961-04-29 | Q789435 | |||||
308 | 2 | Magda Kovács | informaticus
Informatikerin |
Ungarn | 1931 | 2006-09-06 | Q1120327 | |||
309 | 2 | Judit Robu | Hungarian computer scientist, lecturer |
1957-02-06 | Q1249619 | |||||
310 | 2 | Nina Nikolaevna Leonteva | russische Wissenschaftlerin
Wissenschaftlerin |
Russland, Sowjetunion |
1936-11-21 | Q4259041 | ||||
311 | 2 | Amy Ashurst Gooch | Canadian academic | 1973 | Q4749078 | |||||
312 | 2 | Klara Kedem | Israeli computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Israel | 1948 | Q4815415 | ||||
313 | 2 | Jenny Preece | American computer scientist | 1949-04-15 | Q4815939 | |||||
314 | 2 | Maria Khorsand | Schwedische Informatikerin
Geschäftsfrau |
Schweden | 1957-06-12 | Q4958692 | ||||
315 | 2 | Carol Espy-Wilson | amerikanische Elektroingenieurin, Computerspezialistin Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1957 | Q5044315 | ||||
316 | 2 | Christine L. Borgman | American Information Studies professor | 1951 | Q5111094 | |||||
317 | 2 | Constance Steinkuehler | American government policy analyst
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1970-08-31 | Q5163584 | ||||
318 | 2 | Diane Gromala | kanadische Informatikerin | 1960-02-24 | Q5271473 | |||||
319 | 2 | Ellen Hildreth | American computer scientist
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Q5364879 | ||||||
320 | 2 | Fanya Montalvo | computer scientist | 1947 | Q5434430 | |||||
321 | 2 | Farinaz Koushanfar | Iranian-American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Iran | Q5435321 | |||||
322 | 2 | Galina Kofman | Russian-American computer programmer, executive Informatikerin |
Q5518666 | ||||||
323 | 2 | Gao Zhan | Chinese computer scientist | Q5521663 | ||||||
324 | 2 | Joyce Farrell | computer scientist
Programmiererin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q6297480 | ||||
325 | 2 | Karen Petrie | British computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1980-12-02 | Q6369954 | ||||
326 | 2 | Ruth Aylett | British computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1951 | Q7382878 | ||||
327 | 2 | Teresa H. Meng | Taiwanese-American entrepreneur
Akademikerin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1961-01-17 | Q7702152 | ||||
328 | 2 | Alicia Casals Gelpí | spanische ingenieurin, Informatikerin, Professorin |
1955-01-27 | Q11905218 | |||||
329 | 2 | Saskia Idzerda | Nederlands esperantiste
Esperantistin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1968-11-21 | Q12354971 | ||||
330 | 2 | Valentina Dagienė | 1954-12-18 | Q12676377 | ||||||
331 | 2 | Margita Kon-Popovska | informaticus
Informatikerin |
Nordmazedonien | 1948-11-23 | Q12908416 | ||||
332 | 2 | Cynthia Beath | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1944 | Q15429002 | ||||
333 | 2 | Jennifer Golbeck | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1976-12-16 | Crystal Lake | Q15429153 | |||
334 | 2 | Inna Sergeevna Sjtsjerbina-Samoylova | russische Astronomin
Astronomin, |
Russland, Sowjetunion |
1922-01-17 | 2003-04-26 | Q15918990 | |||
335 | 2 | Elena Lazkano | spanische Informatikerin, Forscherin |
1969-09-26 | Q15964868 | |||||
336 | 2 | Nell B. Dale | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q15995013 | |||||
337 | 2 | Margaret R. Fox | American electronics engineer
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1916-05-19 | 2006-08-27 | Q16081635 | |||
338 | 2 | Sandra Hutchins | American computer scientist | 1946 | Q16107347 | |||||
339 | 2 | Judith Klavans | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1946-11-07 | Washington, D.C. | Q16107374 | |||
340 | 2 | JoAnne Yates | American business theorist
Historikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1951 | Q16151554 | ||||
341 | 2 | Ruth Dayhoff | American physician, medical bioinformatician Informatikerin |
1952 | Q16151686 | |||||
342 | 2 | Liz Bacon | Professor of computer science | 1963-09-27 | Q16195181 | |||||
343 | 2 | Tiina Puolakainen | Estonian linguist, computer scientist Linguistin |
Estland | 1973-05-06 | Q16404483 | ||||
344 | 2 | Latanya Arvette Sweeney | computer scientist | Q16499775 | ||||||
345 | 2 | Iratxe Esnaola Arribillaga | baskische IT-Ingenieurin
Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1981-05-07 | Q16517697 | ||||
346 | 2 | Luz Castro Pena | spanische Informatikerin | 1972 | Q16518259 | |||||
347 | 2 | Kimber Lockhart | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1987 | Q16731580 | ||||
348 | 2 | Anna Lubiw | kanadische Informatikerin | Q16731668 | ||||||
349 | 2 | Linda Shapiro (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Linda Shapiro.) |
American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1949-06-10 | Q16866610 | ||||
350 | 2 | Teresa Serra i Majem | katalanische Informatikerin, Politikerin, Professorin Politikerin |
Spanien | 1955-08-04 | Q17036880 | ||||
351 | 2 | Silvija Seres | Norvegian businesswoman
Informatikerin |
Norwegen | 1970-06-28 | Q17107223 | ||||
352 | 2 | Kumiko Tanaka | 日本の情報工学者・計算言語学者 | 1969 | Q17211639 | |||||
353 | 2 | A. J. Bernheim Brush | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q17305726 | |||||
354 | 2 | Shoba Ranganathan | computational biologist | Q17489039 | ||||||
355 | 2 | Orit Hazzan | informaticus | 1962, 1962-08-31 |
Q17505303 | |||||
356 | 2 | Bracha Shapira | researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-4943-9324
Informatikerin |
Israel | 1963-03-22 | Q17505352 | ||||
357 | 2 | Radhika Nagpal | American computer scientist | Q17517256 | ||||||
358 | 2 | Lydia Pintscher | deutsche Informatikerin
Produktmanagerin, |
Deutschland | 1984-07-20 | Q18016466 | ||||
359 | 2 | Gillian Arnold | computer scientist | Q18344597 | ||||||
360 | 2 | Wang-Chiew Tan | Singaporean computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q18618595 | ||||||
361 | 2 | Thea D. Hodge | American computer scientist | 1922-11-08 | 2008-03-03 | Q18619299 | ||||
362 | 2 | Jeannine Mosely | American origami artist
Origamikünstlerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1953-05-16 | Q18738819 | ||||
363 | 2 | Valerie King | kanadische Informatikerin | 20. Jhdt. | Q18753788 | |||||
364 | 2 | Celeste Baranski | American engineer, entrepreneur |
1957 | Q19955881 | |||||
365 | 2 | Kathleen Fisher (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Kathleen Fisher.) |
American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 20. Jhdt. | Q20085758 | ||||
366 | 2 | C. Dianne Martin | American computer scientist | Q20090236 | ||||||
367 | 2 | Olatz Arbelaitz (eu) | Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Spanien | 1970-11-07 | Q20492519 | ||||
368 | 2 | Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz | Polish scientist | 1952 | Q20640134 | |||||
369 | 2 | Ruby B. Lee | American scientist
Informatikerin |
20. Jhdt. | Q20657172 | |||||
370 | 2 | Mary K. Vernon | American computer scientist | 1953 | Q20675753 | |||||
371 | 2 | Tamara Munzner | American computer scientist
Forscherin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1960er-Jahre | Q21044810 | ||||
372 | 2 | Emma Pierson (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Emma Pierson.) |
Amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin | Q21062309 | ||||||
373 | 2 | Cecilia Mascolo | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q21097721 | ||||||
374 | 2 | Katja Hose | Informatikerin | Q21264190 | ||||||
375 | 2 | Atsuko Miyaji | Japanese cryptographer
Mathematikerin |
Japan | 1965 | Präfektur Osaka | Q21702346 | |||
376 | 2 | Luminita State | Romanian mathematician (1948-2016)
Informatikerin |
Rumänien | 1948-01-27 | 2016-01-09 | Q22070205 | |||
377 | 2 | Kim Binsted | American computer scientist
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Vereinigte Staaten | New Jersey | Q22095352 | ||||
378 | 2 | Philippa Gardner | British computer scientist | 1965-07-29 | Q22277894 | |||||
379 | 2 | Joanne M. Cohoon | American sociologist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1954 | 2016-02-14 | Q22813241 | |||
380 | 2 | Janice E. Cuny | American computer scientist | Q22915093 | ||||||
381 | 2 | Amparo Vila | spanische Informatikerin, Mathematikerin Hochschullehrerin |
Spanien | 1951 | Q23012005 | ||||
382 | 2 | Debora Marks | computational biologist | Q23809228 | ||||||
383 | 2 | Lola Cañamero | Spanish research
Philosophin |
Spanien | 20. Jhdt. | Q24666807 | ||||
384 | 2 | Victoria Coleman | US-amerikanische Informatikerin | Q27675300 | ||||||
385 | 2 | Tara Hernandez | software developer, open source contributor Informatikerin |
Q27805730 | ||||||
386 | 2 | Sandrine Blazy | French computer scientist | Q27976180 | ||||||
387 | 2 | Danielle Feinberg | American computer scientist
Kamerafrau |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q28366283 | |||||
388 | 2 | Darja Isaksson | Schwedische IT-Unternehmerin
Informatikerin |
Schweden | 1976-02-18 | Q28529824 | ||||
389 | 2 | Elizabeth Chang | Australian electrical engineer | 20. Jhdt. | Q29326297 | |||||
390 | 2 | Kristiina Kindel | Estonian mountaineer, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Estland | 1975-08-13 | Q29419847 | ||||
391 | 2 | Sandra Zilles | kanadische Informatikerin | Q29447368 | ||||||
392 | 2 | Pierangela Samarati | Italienische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Italien | Q29472897 | |||||
393 | 2 | Valeria De Antonellis | Italian professor of computer science, engineering |
20. Jhdt. | Q30250824 | |||||
394 | 2 | Sophia Ananiadou | Greek computational linguist
Linguistin |
Griechenland | 1957-12-31, 1958-12-31 |
Q30318445 | ||||
395 | 2 | Dorothea Blostein | kanadische Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Kanada | 20. Jhdt. | Q30321593 | ||||
396 | 2 | Paula Bonta | Argentinian-Canadian computer scientist | Q33853548 | ||||||
397 | 2 | Victoria Raquel Bajar Simsolo | Argentinian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Argentinien | 1942-07-06 | 2016-03-24 | Q34658533 | |||
398 | 2 | Gillian Dobbie | New Zealand computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Neuseeland | Q35497758 | |||||
399 | 2 | Teresa M. Przytycka | researcher | 1958 | Q37371892 | |||||
400 | 2 | Martha Palmer | American computer scientist
Akademikerin |
Q39120048 | ||||||
401 | 2 | Sharon Goldwater | researcher, NLP, Edinburgh |
Q39236970 | ||||||
402 | 2 | Jie Lu | Australian computer scientist | 1957-11-02 | Q41535348 | |||||
403 | 2 | Tamara G. Kolda | Forscher
Informatikerin |
Q42009184 | ||||||
404 | 2 | Cynthia B. Lee | computer science lecturer at Stanford University | Q42204143 | ||||||
405 | 2 | Charlotte Davis Mooers | American computer scientist | 1924-03-25 | 2005-03-17 | Q42531327 | ||||
406 | 2 | Sarah Ann Douglas | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1944-01-25 | Q42907847 | ||||
407 | 2 | Imogen Wright | South African software developer, bioinformatician |
1986-01-21 | Q43549253 | |||||
408 | 2 | Vanessa Evers | Professor of Human Media Interaction
Schriftstellerin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1974 | Q47292613 | ||||
409 | 2 | Terry Gaasterland | Professor of Computational Biology, GenomicsDirector, Scripps Genome Center Bioinformatikerin |
Q47569993 | ||||||
410 | 2 | Claire Cardie | American computer scientist | Q48620172 | ||||||
411 | 2 | Masuma Mammadova | Azerbaijani computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Aserbaidschan | 1951-08-07 | Q50415494 | ||||
412 | 2 | Gülnarə Nəbibəyova | Q50415885 | |||||||
413 | 2 | Yvonne Rogers | British psychologist, computer scientist |
Q51120255 | ||||||
414 | 2 | Kathy Pham | Vietnamese American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q52106826 | |||||
415 | 2 | Gillian Docherty | British computer scientist, CEO |
Q52233896 | ||||||
416 | 2 | Yolanda Gil | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Spanien | 1963 | Q52353442 | ||||
417 | 2 | Veronika Megler | Australian computer scientist | Australien | 1960-10-14 | Q53451993 | ||||
418 | 2 | Mariette Yvinec | French mathematician | 1953 | Q54180619 | |||||
419 | 2 | Alana Alexander | bioinformatician at the University of Otago
Bioinformatikerin |
Neuseeland | Q54498604 | |||||
420 | 2 | Joyce Aylard | British codebreaker at Eastcote
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1925 | 2022-10-16 | Q55956393 | |||
421 | 2 | Sylvia Wilbur | British computer scientist | 1938 | Q56223487 | |||||
422 | 2 | Sandhya Samarasinghe | New Zealand engineering academic
Akademikerin |
Neuseeland | Q56486605 | |||||
423 | 2 | Nadia Heninger | American cryptographer, computer security expert Kryptographin |
1982 | Q56678255 | |||||
424 | 2 | Li Fan | Computer scientist | Q56726780 | ||||||
425 | 2 | Rosa M. Badia | Spanish computer scientist | 1966-01-24 | Q56958186 | |||||
426 | 2 | Lenore Cowen | computer scientist
Mathematikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q57038968 | |||||
427 | 2 | Doina Precup | Romanian researcher of artificial intelligence | 1971-01-28 | Q57242868 | |||||
428 | 2 | Sarah Cohen-Boulakia | Forscher
Bioinformatikerin |
Frankreich | 1980 | Q57422448 | ||||
429 | 2 | Edith Cohen | Jewish computer scientist | 1966-05-21 | Q57515777 | |||||
430 | 2 | Lisa Gelobter | computer scientist, technologist, chief executive Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1971 | Q57598631 | ||||
431 | 2 | Lisa Anthony | American computer scientist | Q57719820 | ||||||
432 | 2 | Nashwa El-Bendary | Egyptian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Ägypten | 1981 | Q57763139 | ||||
433 | 2 | Ayellet Tal | Israeli researcher in computational geometry, computer graphics |
1962 | Q57915306 | |||||
434 | 2 | Christine O'Keefe | Australian mathematician
Informatikerin |
Q57915444 | ||||||
435 | 2 | Elaine Cohen | American mathematician (born 1944) | 1944-11-26 | Q57915535 | |||||
436 | 2 | Polina Golland | researcher, biomedical image analysis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Informatikerin |
1971 | Q57955989 | |||||
437 | 2 | Ann E. Nicholson | British computer scientist | 1965 | Q58479027 | |||||
438 | 2 | Anna Lysyanskaya | American cryptographer
Informatikerin |
Q58494771 | ||||||
439 | 2 | Aude Oliva | French researcher of computer vision, neuroscience, and human-computer interaction Informatikerin |
Frankreich | Q58494937 | |||||
440 | 2 | Mahsa Mohaghegh | Iranian-born New Zealand computer engineer | Q58958853 | ||||||
441 | 2 | Lili Qiu | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q59522673 | ||||||
442 | 2 | Sandhya Dwarkadas | American computer scientist | Q59522689 | ||||||
443 | 2 | Christine Hendon | biomedical engineer | Q60198134 | ||||||
444 | 2 | Verónica Bolón-Canedo | Forscher
Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1984 | Q60658817 | ||||
445 | 2 | Anna Goldenberg (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Anna Goldenberg.) |
Russian-born computer scientist, University of Toronto Forscherin |
Q61147927 | ||||||
446 | 2 | Bożena Kostek | Polish professor of technical sciences, specialist in sound engineering |
Polen | 1959, 1959-01-03 |
Q61162161 | ||||
447 | 2 | Pilar Manchón Portillo | spanische Geschäftsfrau, Informatikerin, Philologin Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1972 | Q61766552 | ||||
448 | 2 | Silvia Rueda Pascual | spanische Computeringenieurin
Hochschullehrerin |
Q62052266 | ||||||
449 | 2 | Paola Inverardi | Italian computer scientist | 1957 | Q62559988 | |||||
450 | 2 | Ellen Gethner | American mathematician, computer scientist (1960-) |
1960 | Q62993776 | |||||
451 | 2 | Amanda Randles | American computer scientist
Ingenieurin |
20. Jhdt. | Q63244115 | |||||
452 | 2 | Danqi Chen | Chinese-American computer scientist, academic specializing in the AI field of NLP Informatikerin |
Q63699901 | ||||||
453 | 2 | Sally Fincher | Computer scientist | 1959 | Q64829643 | |||||
454 | 2 | Kim D. Pruitt | American bioinformatician | 1961 | Q64871812 | |||||
455 | 2 | Zhaoping Li | chinesische Neurowissenschaftlerin
Informationswissenschaftlerin, |
1964 | Q65015779 | |||||
456 | 2 | Wendy Lehnert | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q65037575 | |||||
457 | 2 | Siiri Pärkson | Estonian writer | 1979-06-16 | 2024-03-06 | Q65267309 | ||||
458 | 2 | Alice K. Hartley | American computer scientist, businessperson Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1937-12-13 | 2017-06-29 | Q66262445 | |||
459 | 2 | Almadena Chtchelkanova | Russian scientist
Informatikerin |
Q67640024 | ||||||
460 | 2 | Tamar Eilam | israeli-American computer scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q67905068 | |||||
461 | 2 | Wendy Myrvold | Canadian mathematician, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Q68642045 | ||||||
462 | 2 | Carola Wenk | German-American computer scientist | 1973-05-17 | Q69524810 | |||||
463 | 2 | Greta Panova | Bulgarian-American mathematician
Mathematikerin |
1983 | Q70796059 | |||||
464 | 2 | Barna Saha | Computer Scientist | Q76877611 | ||||||
465 | 2 | Xia Zhou | computer scientist, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Dartmouth College |
1984 | Q76913426 | |||||
466 | 2 | Elena Fernandez Areizaga | Spanish operations researcher
Informatikerin, |
Spanien | 1956-07-04 | Q77860240 | ||||
467 | 2 | Gayle Laakmann McDowell | Founder, consultant, coder, author, speaker |
1982-10-05 | Q77961153 | |||||
468 | 2 | Deborah Frincke | American computer scientist | Q78175217 | ||||||
469 | 2 | Arielle Kitio Tsamo | entrepreneuse camerounaise
Informatikerin |
Kamerun | Q78505304 | |||||
470 | 2 | Sylvie Thiébaux | French computer scientist | Q79438995 | ||||||
471 | 2 | Bing Xue | computer scientist at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand | Q86839766 | ||||||
472 | 2 | Mirka Miller | Czech-Australian mathematician, computer scientist Mathematikerin |
1949 | 2016 | Q87051793 | ||||
473 | 2 | Michal Irani | Israeli computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Israel | Q87495495 | |||||
474 | 2 | Arang Rhie | South Korean bioinformatician | Q87757984 | ||||||
475 | 2 | Kirsten ten Tusscher | Dutch researcher, professor of bioinformatics Bioinformatikerin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1976 | Q89337497 | ||||
476 | 2 | Delaram Kahrobaei | Mathematician Computer Scientist | 1975 | Q89710351 | |||||
477 | 2 | Catuscia Palamidessi | Italian computer scientist (1959-)
Informatikerin |
Italien | 1959-11-11 | Q93944827 | ||||
478 | 2 | Lale Akarun | Turkish electrical engineer, computer scientist Informatikerin |
1962-03-10 | Q94180251 | |||||
479 | 2 | Tatiana Rizzante | dirigente di azienda italiana
Informatikerin |
Italien | 1970-05-28 | Q95485526 | ||||
480 | 2 | Josiane Zerubia | scientist at INRIA | 1957 | Q95945577 | |||||
481 | 2 | Tawanna Dillahunt | American computer scientist, information scientist |
Q96464348 | ||||||
482 | 2 | Hagit Hel-Or | Israeli computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q99921070 | ||||||
483 | 2 | Mihaela Cardei | Romanian-American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q101176318 | ||||||
484 | 2 | Jade Alglave | French computer scientist | 1984 | Q101952046 | |||||
485 | 2 | Tina Eliassi-Rad | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102000383 | ||||||
486 | 2 | Phoebe Sengers | American computer scientist, ethnographer Ethnografin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q102215286 | |||||
487 | 2 | Marina Lvovna Gavrilova | Russian-Canadian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1971 | Q102251817 | |||||
488 | 2 | Perdita Emma Stevens | Ph.D. University of Warwick 1992
Mathematikerin |
1966 | Q102270012 | |||||
489 | 2 | Vida Dujmović | Yugoslav-Canadian computer scientist, mathematician Mathematikerin |
Q102282100 | ||||||
490 | 2 | Tamar Tamir | Israeli computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Israel | 1968-07-01 | Q102302702 | ||||
491 | 2 | Corina S. Pasareanu | Romanian-American computer scientist | Q102314813 | ||||||
492 | 2 | Huijia Rachel Lin | Ph.D. Cornell University 2011
Kryptographin |
Q102605591 | ||||||
493 | 2 | Kristin Yvonne Rozier | American computer scientist, aerospace engineer Informatikerin |
Q103024869 | ||||||
494 | 2 | Jetty Kleijn | Dutch computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1955 | Q104214152 | |||||
495 | 2 | Victoria Chibuogu Nneji | Nigerian American robotics research scientist
Informatikerin |
Q104856177 | ||||||
496 | 2 | Sarita Schoenebeck | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q105623547 | ||||||
497 | 2 | Hairong Qi | Chinese computer scientist | 1970 | Q105696483 | |||||
498 | 2 | Mihaela Sighireanu | French, Romanian computer scientist |
Q105939774 | ||||||
499 | 2 | Barbara Zygmańska | Pools informatica
Informatikerin |
Polen | 1954-11-12 | Q106063803 | ||||
500 | 2 | Ana Zelaia Jauregi | researcher
Hochschullehrerin |
1969-11-04 | Q106513420 | |||||
501 | 2 | Madeleine Bates | Researcher in natural language processing | Q106637121 | ||||||
502 | 2 | Silvia Eunice Gutiérrez De la Torre | Digital humanities librarian, computational linguist; PhD candidate at the Computational Humanities Group at the University of Leipzig, researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-8717-2291) Wissenschaftlerin |
Mexiko | Q107598000 | |||||
503 | 2 | Stephanie Simmons | Canadian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q107598369 | ||||||
504 | 2 | Janka Chlebíková | Slovak computer scientist | Q107654287 | ||||||
505 | 2 | Aminah Zawedde | Ugandan computer scientist (born c. 1978)
Informatikerin |
1978 | Q107711205 | |||||
506 | 2 | Ester Vallès Pelay | Spaans politica
Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1982 | Vilobí del Penedès | Q108091831 | |||
507 | 2 | Maria Lisandra Gonzalez Hurtado | computer scientist, radio personality, teacher, and Esperantist Esperantistin, |
1987-11-19 | Q108803300 | |||||
508 | 2 | Gorretti Byomire | Ugadan computer scientist, academic, disability activist Informatikerin |
Uganda | 1984 | Q110836871 | ||||
509 | 2 | Núria Castell Ariño | Investigador ORCID:0000-0002-0519-3548 | 1958 | Q111183018 | |||||
510 | 2 | Helene Kulsrud | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1933 | Q111511852 | |||||
511 | 2 | Niloufar Salehi | american-Iranian computer scientist, professor |
Q111630623 | ||||||
512 | 2 | Kimberly Andrews Espy | American academic administrator, neuropsychologist akademische Administratorin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1963-02-05 | Q113050143 | ||||
513 | 2 | María Teresa Martín Valdivia | Spanish computational linguist, professor Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1969-11-21 | Q116863458 | ||||
514 | 2 | Beatriz García (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Beatriz García.) |
Spanish physicist, computational scientist Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1996-07-30 | Q117351804 | ||||
515 | 2 | Chandrika Kamath | computer scientist | Q117474794 | ||||||
516 | 2 | Olatz Alberdi Etxeberria | Basque footballer | 1997-04-17 | Q119727300 | |||||
517 | 2 | Vanesa Gomez Gonzalez | Spanish software engineer
Informatikerin |
Spanien | Q120047218 | |||||
518 | 2 | Lidia Moreno | NLP researcher, Tecnical University of Valencia |
Q122880159 | ||||||
519 | 2 | Isabelle Bloch | French computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q124131458 | ||||||
520 | 2 | Catalina Grimalt i Falcó | enginyera informàtica, executiva i professora catalana Hochschullehrerin |
20. Jhdt. | Q124654499 | |||||
521 | 2 | Mutale Nkonde | Zambian journalist, artificial intelligence policy researcher |
Q126950004 | ||||||
522 | 1 | Frances A. Rosamond | australische Informatikerin
Mathematikerin |
Australien | 1943 | Q11594 | ||||
523 | 1 | Liuba Shrira | Informatikerin | Q11778 | ||||||
524 | 1 | Nichole Pinkard | amerikanische Computerwissenschaftlerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q14110 | |||||
525 | 1 | Reihaneh Safavi-Naini | Computerwissenschaftlerin | Q14227 | ||||||
526 | 1 | Maureen C. Stone | US-amerikanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q14264 | |||||
527 | 1 | Nalini Venkatasubramanian | Computerwissenschaftlerin | Q16372 | ||||||
528 | 1 | Erzsébet Angster | informaticus | 1953-03-15 | Q769944 | |||||
529 | 1 | Margit Antal | informaticus | 1968-06-20 | Q771732 | |||||
530 | 1 | Katalin Boér-Sorbán | informaticus
Informatikerin |
Rumänien | 1976-06-01 | Q848747 | ||||
531 | 1 | Noémi Gaskó | informaticus | 1984-07-29 | Q1008427 | |||||
532 | 1 | Klára Ionescu | informaticus | 1949-05-14 | Q1097680 | |||||
533 | 1 | Ata Kabán | Hungarian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Rumänien | 1969-12-01 | Q1103138 | ||||
534 | 1 | Laura Kovács | informaticus | 1980-04-26 | Q1120301 | |||||
535 | 1 | Laura Ruff | computer scientist | 1976-11-15 | Q1251647 | |||||
536 | 1 | Erika Tamási | Romanian computer scientist (born 1981)
Informatikerin |
Rumänien | 1981-05-02 | Sankt Georgen | Q1316488 | |||
537 | 1 | Ibolya Varga | Hungarian computer scientist | 1960-12-29 | Q1401689 | |||||
538 | 1 | Sheeri Cabral | American MySQL community contributor | 1978-09-17 | Q4815262 | |||||
539 | 1 | Sophia Drossopoulou | Greek computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Griechenland | Q4815312 | |||||
540 | 1 | Carla Ellis | American computer scientist | Q4815329 | ||||||
541 | 1 | Jennifer Mankoff | American computer scientist | Q4815880 | ||||||
542 | 1 | Katarina G. Bonde | Schwedische Informatikerin, Unternehmerin Geschäftsfrau |
Schweden | 1958-08-07 | Q4939963 | ||||
543 | 1 | Ingrid Domingues | Schwedische Informatikerin | 1958-07-14 | Q4944991 | |||||
544 | 1 | Kajsa Leander | Schwedische IT-Unternehmerin
Geschäftsfrau |
Schweden | 1970-07-11 | Q4961410 | ||||
545 | 1 | Cristina Lopes | American academic
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1966-02-03 | Q5186360 | ||||
546 | 1 | Elizabeth Mynatt | American Computing academic | 1966-07-12 | Q5363254 | |||||
547 | 1 | Julie Beth Lovins | Computational linguist | 1945-10-19 | 2018-01-16 | Q6308043 | ||||
548 | 1 | L. Jean Camp | American Informatics researcher, academic Informatikerin |
Q6456521 | ||||||
549 | 1 | Ladeana Hillier | biomedical engineer, computational biologist Bioinformatikerin |
Q6469365 | ||||||
550 | 1 | Nahid Shahmehri | American computer scientist | Q6959258 | ||||||
551 | 1 | Rebecca Mercuri | American expert in computer security
Ingenieurin |
1954-10-20 | Q7301834 | |||||
552 | 1 | Ruth Nussinov | bioinformatician
Forscherin |
Q7383152 | ||||||
553 | 1 | Sarah Gordon | Computer security researcher | Q7422344 | ||||||
554 | 1 | Starr Roxanne Hiltz | American academic
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1942 | Q7602233 | ||||
555 | 1 | Suzanna Lewis | bioinformatician | 20. Jhdt. | Q7650732 | |||||
556 | 1 | Vimla L. Patel | kanadische Psychologin
Psychologin |
Kanada | Q7931287 | |||||
557 | 1 | Chen Zuoning | Chinese computer scientist (1957-) | 1957-10-23 | Q8291805 | |||||
558 | 1 | Chen Kunqiu | Chinese computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Volksrepublik China | 1936-06 | Q8325380 | ||||
559 | 1 | Agnieszka Szewczyk | Polish computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Polen | 1952 | Q9142449 | ||||
560 | 1 | Wielisława Osmańska-Furmanek | Polish computer scientist | 1956 | Q9372761 | |||||
561 | 1 | 冯丹 | O nyɛla paɣa ŋun tumdi siyaasa tuma
Informatikerin |
Volksrepublik China | 1970 | Q10895260 | ||||
562 | 1 | Zhang Shuxin | ondernemer | 1963-07-10 | Q11067273 | |||||
563 | 1 | Nicole Sullivan (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Nicole Sullivan.) |
Californian web developer
Informatikerin |
Q11324311 | ||||||
564 | 1 | Halina Kwaśnicka | Polish computer scientist | 1952-03-22 | Q11708447 | |||||
565 | 1 | Hannakaisa Isomäki | Fins informatica
Informatikerin |
Finnland | Q11861350 | |||||
566 | 1 | Renáta Kunstová | Czech informatician, university educator |
1962-04-23 | 2014-05-04 | Q12049218 | ||||
567 | 1 | Isabel Fernández de Castro | spanische Informatikerin, Forscherin Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1959 | Q12259819 | ||||
568 | 1 | Mari Plakk | Estonian engineer, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Estland | 1951-11-24 | Q12369746 | ||||
569 | 1 | Silvi Roomets | Estonian information scientist, librarian Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Estland | 1937-08-15 | Q12375026 | ||||
570 | 1 | Ivanka Reberski | kunsthistoricus
Informatikerin |
1932 | Q12633289 | |||||
571 | 1 | Dalė Dzemydienė | Lithuanian computer scientist | 1957-05-04 | Q12652240 | |||||
572 | 1 | Catherine McGeoch | American computer scientist
Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q13563037 | |||||
573 | 1 | Sheelagh Carpendale | kanadische Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Kanada | Q13566999 | |||||
574 | 1 | Maitane Larrauri Fraile | spanische Politikerin
Informatikerin |
Spanien | 20. Jhdt. | Q14132893 | ||||
575 | 1 | Carla Savage | American computer scientist | Q14491914 | ||||||
576 | 1 | Edlyn Teske | German-Canadian mathematician, cryptographer Mathematikerin |
Deutschland | 1968 | Q15858516 | ||||
577 | 1 | Susanne Boll | German professor
Autorin |
20. Jhdt. | Q15931034 | |||||
578 | 1 | Margaret Ross | British computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q15972563 | ||||||
579 | 1 | Cornelia Boldyreff | British computer scientist | Q15994311 | ||||||
580 | 1 | Hannah Dee | British computer scientist | Q15994400 | ||||||
581 | 1 | Barbara G. Ryder | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q15995445 | ||||||
582 | 1 | Diana McSherry | American computer scientist, biophysicist Biophysikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1945 | Q16061246 | ||||
583 | 1 | Драгана Бечејски Вујаклија | informaticus | 1953 | Q16081668 | |||||
584 | 1 | Nathalie Andrieux | présidente de sociétés
Informatikerin |
Frankreich | 1965-07-27 | Q16145482 | ||||
585 | 1 | Reet Pukk | Estonian computer scientist | 1934-12-07 | Q16404362 | |||||
586 | 1 | Evi Rannap | Estonian computer scientist (1932-2018) | 1932-09-27 | 2018-10-25 | Q16405751 | ||||
587 | 1 | Karin Rava | informática teórica estoniana
Informatikerin |
Estland | 1971-06-08 | Q16406133 | ||||
588 | 1 | Joana Lipeikienė | Lithuanian computer scientist | 1946-06-24 | Q16453398 | |||||
589 | 1 | Ljudmila Leonidowna Bossowa | wetenschapper
Informatikerin |
Sowjetunion | 1963-05-09 | Q16627784 | ||||
590 | 1 | Susan B. Davidson | American computer scientist
Forscherin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q16728408 | |||||
591 | 1 | Susan B. Horwitz (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Susan B. Horwitz.) |
US-amerikanische Informatikerin | 1955-01-06 | 2014-06-11 | Q16729921 | ||||
592 | 1 | Diane Litman | American computer scientist | Q16731553 | ||||||
593 | 1 | Yu Hongzhi | Chinese computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Volksrepublik China | 1947 | Q16949248 | ||||
594 | 1 | Marja Vehviläinen | Fins informatica | Q16991199 | ||||||
595 | 1 | Miho Nagase | Japanese computer scientist
Projektleiterin |
Japan | Q17226199 | |||||
596 | 1 | Antonija Mitrovic | academic computer scientist
Schriftstellerin |
Neuseeland | 20. Jhdt. | Q17285597 | ||||
597 | 1 | Katrina Ligett | American computer scientist, California Institute of Technology Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q17517158 | |||||
598 | 1 | Victoria Bellotti | British computer scientist | Q18249337 | ||||||
599 | 1 | Barbara E. Moo | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
South Bend | Q18331246 | |||||
600 | 1 | Elizabeth Sparrow | wiskundige | Q18353252 | ||||||
601 | 1 | Holly Rushmeier | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q18631272 | |||||
602 | 1 | Faith Ellen | kanadische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Kanada | Q18753781 | |||||
603 | 1 | Beathe Due | Noors informatica | 1971-04-28 | Q19371915 | |||||
604 | 1 | Elza Erkip | American computer engineer | Q19664839 | ||||||
605 | 1 | Shazia Sadiq | Australian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q19668507 | ||||||
606 | 1 | Hanna Kasprzyk | Polish computer scientist | Q19697909 | ||||||
607 | 1 | Ewa Klupsz | Polish computer scientist | Q19697914 | ||||||
608 | 1 | Selena Deckelmann | American computer scientist, manager Informatikerin |
Q19753650 | ||||||
609 | 1 | Bożena Nowak-Szymura | Polish computer scientist
Unternehmerin |
1949 | Q19758409 | |||||
610 | 1 | Patricia A. Berglund | Forscherin
Sozialwissenschaftlerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q19873320 | |||||
611 | 1 | Yuki Igarashi | informática teórica xaponesa | 1982 | Q20038618 | |||||
612 | 1 | Marian Petre | British computer scientist | 1959 | Q20054081 | |||||
613 | 1 | Dahlia Malkhi | Israeli-American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q20090176 | |||||
614 | 1 | Pamela Zave | American computer scientist | 1948-11-04 | Q20248679 | |||||
615 | 1 | Martha E. Sloan | American electrical engineer | 1939 | Q20267560 | |||||
616 | 1 | Montse Maritxalar Anglada | researcher
Informatikerin |
1966-12-10 | Donostia-San Sebastián | Q20492393 | ||||
617 | 1 | Txelo Ruiz-Vazquez | researcher
Hochschullehrerin |
1959-04-09 | Q20492609 | |||||
618 | 1 | Karen Duncan | biostatistician, health informatician |
Q20630985 | ||||||
619 | 1 | Marianne Winslett | computer scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q20655792 | |||||
620 | 1 | Jocelyn Scheirer | American entrepreneur, scientist, and artist Künstlerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1967-12-06 | Q20656538 | ||||
621 | 1 | Marilyn Wolf | American computer engineer
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q20675780 | |||||
622 | 1 | Ellen W. Zegura | American computer scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q20675789 | |||||
623 | 1 | Haesun Park | Korean-American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q21005875 | ||||||
624 | 1 | Leslie Ann Goldberg | researcher | Q21062081 | ||||||
625 | 1 | Kathleen Nichols | American computer scientist, computer networking researcher |
Q21062255 | ||||||
626 | 1 | Poornima Vijayashanker | engineer, entrepreneur Informatikerin |
Q21062287 | ||||||
627 | 1 | Martha Evens | American computer scientist | 1935-01-01 | Q21062295 | |||||
628 | 1 | Cathy H. Wu | American computational biologist
Informatikerin |
1952 | Q21062633 | |||||
629 | 1 | Ann Nowé | Belgian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q21253986 | ||||||
630 | 1 | Marieke Huisman | Dutch computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1973-05-03 | Q21264358 | ||||
631 | 1 | Michal Armoni | Computer Science Education researcher | Israel | 1965-12-07 | Q21264409 | ||||
632 | 1 | Zdeňka Rábová | teacher
Informatikerin |
1936, 1936-12-17 |
2006-05-18 | Q21501899 | ||||
633 | 1 | Laura Chappell | computer scientist | Q21650672 | ||||||
634 | 1 | Amanda Wixted | US-amerikanische Informatikerin, Programmiererin in der Computerspieleentwicklung. Informatikerin |
1981-11-23 | Q21872843 | |||||
635 | 1 | Mary Czerwinski | American cognitive scientist | 20. Jhdt. | Q22277482 | |||||
636 | 1 | Mary Fernández | American computer scientist, activist Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | New York | Q22833404 | ||||
637 | 1 | Elaine M. McGraw | American computer programmer | Q22915104 | ||||||
638 | 1 | Barbara Boucher Owens | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q23091985 | ||||||
639 | 1 | Gloria Townsend | American computer scientist | Q23542891 | ||||||
640 | 1 | Jennifer Healey | Research scientist at Intel
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Q23713350 | ||||||
641 | 1 | Nobuko Yoshida | computer science researcher | Q23761948 | ||||||
642 | 1 | Andrea Éva Molnár | (1986–)
Informatikerin |
1986-09-16 | Q23908423 | |||||
643 | 1 | Réka Nagy | informaticus | 1985-07-11 | Q23908426 | |||||
644 | 1 | Márton Gyöngyvér | informaticus | 1972-01-07 | Q23908437 | |||||
645 | 1 | Katalin Tünde Jánosi-Rancz | (1980–)
Informatikerin |
1980-09-09 | Q23908444 | |||||
646 | 1 | Zofia Wilimowska | Polish economist | Polen | 1949 | Q24430396 | ||||
647 | 1 | Rosemary Candlin | Scottish computer scientist | 1927 | Q24566019 | |||||
648 | 1 | Marta Szachniuk | Polish computer scientist | 1974-02-09 | Q24577080 | |||||
649 | 1 | Małgorzata Sterna | Polish computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Polen | 20. Jhdt. | Q24577081 | ||||
650 | 1 | Marta Kasprzak | Polish computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Polen | 20. Jhdt. | Q24577082 | ||||
651 | 1 | Joanna Józefowska | Polish computer scientist | 1959 | Q24577084 | |||||
652 | 1 | Shannon Leitz | informaticus | Q24765985 | ||||||
653 | 1 | Melanie Volkamer | Informatikerin | 1980 | Q25367805 | |||||
654 | 1 | Iryna Sklyar | informaticus | Q25436022 | ||||||
655 | 1 | Helen Purchase | informaticus
Informatikerin |
Q25756941 | ||||||
656 | 1 | Yoonkyung Lee | korean-American computer scientist | Q25758911 | ||||||
657 | 1 | Anna Gambin | Polish bioinformatician
Forscherin |
Polen | 1971-06-07 | Q27429838 | ||||
658 | 1 | Rebecca Moore | American software engineer
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q27471374 | |||||
659 | 1 | Mary-Anne Williams | Australian roboticist | 20. Jhdt. | Q27514563 | |||||
660 | 1 | Kaya Thomas | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1995 | Staten Island | Q27978954 | |||
661 | 1 | Gouri Chindarkar | Computer engineering student of the "School in the Cloud" | Q27981697 | ||||||
662 | 1 | Jessica Hammer | American computer scientist | Q28101665 | ||||||
663 | 1 | Nathalie Lauraine-Boulyguina | russische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Russland | 1975-12-30 | 2015-11-13, 2015-11-14 |
Q28477239 | |||
664 | 1 | ياسمين مصطفى | kunstmatige intelligentie-onderzoeker
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Q28714765 | ||||||
665 | 1 | Karen Catlin | American tech executive (born 1963) | 1963 | Q28777510 | |||||
666 | 1 | Fenna Feenstra | Dutch politician
Politikerin |
Königreich der Niederlande | 1970 | Q28861267 | ||||
667 | 1 | Gail C. Murphy | kanadische Informatikerin | 1965 | Q28864338 | |||||
668 | 1 | Carol Spradling | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1950 | Q28867743 | |||||
669 | 1 | Lynn Schriml | researcher, metadata, diseases, University of Maryland Epidemiologin |
Q28913673 | ||||||
670 | 1 | Roberta Sinatra | researcher | 20. Jhdt. | Q29043481 | |||||
671 | 1 | Krishna Narayanan | Computer engineer
Informatikerin |
20. Jhdt. | Q29258289 | |||||
672 | 1 | Christina Fragouli | American electrical engineer | 20. Jhdt. | Q29340444 | |||||
673 | 1 | Wendi Heinzelman | American electrical engineer, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q29342255 | |||||
674 | 1 | Jagannathan Sarangapani | American engineer
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1965 | Q29342314 | ||||
675 | 1 | Kristine L. Bell | American electrical engineer
Wissenschaftlerin |
1963 | Q29452837 | |||||
676 | 1 | Marie Duží | informatica uit Tsjecho-Slowakije
Hochschullehrerin, |
Tschechien, Tschechoslowakei |
1948-10-11, 1948-11-11 |
Q29869961 | ||||
677 | 1 | Cristina Sarasua | Informatikerin im Bereich Webdatenmanagement, Datenwissenschaft |
Q30092858 | ||||||
678 | 1 | Diana Maynard | British computational linguist
Linguistin |
20. Jhdt. | Q30095223 | |||||
679 | 1 | Lora Aroyo | researcher | 20. Jhdt. | Q30102184 | |||||
680 | 1 | Niki Davis | New Zealand computer scientist
Forscherin |
Neuseeland | Q30122074 | |||||
681 | 1 | Elena Ferrari | Italian computer scientist | Q30122307 | ||||||
682 | 1 | Miriah Meyer | Forscher
Grafikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q30137066 | |||||
683 | 1 | Marvin Stein | mathematician, computer scientist Mathematikerin |
1924-07-15 | 2015 | Q30303366 | ||||
684 | 1 | Cynthia A. Phillips | American mathematician | Q31412822 | ||||||
685 | 1 | Judit Ruiz de Munain | spanische Schriftstellerin, Informatikerin Schriftstellerin |
Spanien | 1973-05-03 | Q31886436 | ||||
686 | 1 | Lore Martinez Axpe | spanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1971-10-15 | Q32332149 | ||||
687 | 1 | Edurne Larraza Mendiluze | spanische Informatikerin, Forscherin |
1976-04-25 | Q32340772 | |||||
688 | 1 | Janyce M. Wiebe | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1959 | 2018-12-10 | Q36956477 | |||
689 | 1 | Lillian Lee | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q36972358 | ||||||
690 | 1 | Lucie-Aimée Kaffee | Informatikerin | Q37860261 | ||||||
691 | 1 | Aïda Valls Mateu | Spanish researcher
Forscherin |
Spanien | Q38591080 | |||||
692 | 1 | Georgia Tourassi | physicist, Computing Facility director Physikerin |
Griechenland | Q39658591 | |||||
693 | 1 | Sally I. McClean | Northern Irish statistician
Informatikerin |
Q39662983 | ||||||
694 | 1 | Abigail Sellen | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Kanada | Q41709196 | |||||
695 | 1 | Shili Lin | Forscher
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Q42308525 | ||||||
696 | 1 | Annika Hinze | New Zealand computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Neuseeland | Q42728899 | |||||
697 | 1 | Jill Cousins | former Executive Director of Europeana Foundation, current |
Q43024078 | ||||||
698 | 1 | Denise Slenter | Dutch Chem/Bio/Informatician
Forscherin |
Königreich der Niederlande | Q43744369 | |||||
699 | 1 | Beata Wickbom | Schwedische IT-Unternehmerin
Informatikerin |
Schweden | 1968 | Q44472500 | ||||
700 | 1 | Irène Guessarian | French computer scientist | 1948, 1948-05-10 |
Q46995306 | |||||
701 | 1 | Therese Biedl | kanadische Informatikerin
Hochschullehrerin |
Kanada | Q47028524 | |||||
702 | 1 | Barbara E. Engelhardt | computational biologist | Q47502570 | ||||||
703 | 1 | Judith S. Olson | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q47517091 | ||||||
704 | 1 | Verónica Becher | Argentinian computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Argentinien | Q48069945 | |||||
705 | 1 | Ruth Silverman | American mathematician, computer scientist Akademikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1936, 1937 |
2011-04-25 | Q48494852 | |||
706 | 1 | Angela Y. Wu | American computer scientist | Q48500264 | ||||||
707 | 1 | Anna Ochal | Polish mathematician
Mathematikerin |
20. Jhdt. | Q48842130 | |||||
708 | 1 | Janina Mincer-Daszkiewicz | Polish computer scientist | Q48843873 | ||||||
709 | 1 | Tin Kam Ho | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q48972688 | ||||||
710 | 1 | Shahinaz Abdel Salam | personne | 1978 | Q48991299 | |||||
711 | 1 | Tabitha Goldstaub | British tech entrepreneur
Geschäftsfrau |
1987 | Q49493676 | |||||
712 | 1 | Haiyan Zhang | Designer, engineer |
Q50143206 | ||||||
713 | 1 | Sherry Li | Chinese American mathematician
Mathematikerin |
Q50232766 | ||||||
714 | 1 | Jill Zimmerman | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1959-03-23 | Q50384382 | |||||
715 | 1 | Amber Settle | computer scientist | Q50402174 | ||||||
716 | 1 | Mona Singh | Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University
Hochschullehrerin |
Q50407565 | ||||||
717 | 1 | Afruz Gurbanova | Azerbaijani computer scientist
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Aserbaidschan | Q50415887 | |||||
718 | 1 | Maria Garcia de la Banda | Spanish-Australian computer scientist | Q50638373 | ||||||
719 | 1 | Gabriela Ochoa | Venezuelan British computer scientist
Forscherin |
Q51370983 | ||||||
720 | 1 | Sharon Oviatt | kanadische Informatikerin | Q51536267 | ||||||
721 | 1 | Teresa Bernarda Ludermir | Forscher, Lehrer, Informatiker Lehrerin |
Brasilien | Q51889587 | |||||
722 | 1 | Natalya Fridman Noy | Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Q52174287 | ||||||
723 | 1 | Lauren Sager Weinstein | American computer scientist | Q52450606 | ||||||
724 | 1 | Susan Eisenbach | Professor at Imperial College London
Informatikerin |
1951 | Q52450745 | |||||
725 | 1 | Natalia Queiroz de Oliveira | Brazilian computer scientist | Q52743432 | ||||||
726 | 1 | Danielle C.M. Belgrave | British computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q53938985 | ||||||
727 | 1 | Karen Myers | program director, principal scientist in SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center |
1963 | Q54959184 | |||||
728 | 1 | Jascha Franklin-Hodge | ondernemer
Unternehmerin |
1979 | Q55433021 | |||||
729 | 1 | Marie desJardins | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Washington, D.C. | Q55956070 | ||||
730 | 1 | Tracy Teal | American bioinformatician
Mikrobiologin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q56223652 | |||||
731 | 1 | Sarah M Keating | researcher | Q56427727 | ||||||
732 | 1 | Min Wu | Computer Engineering researcher ORCID: 0000-0001-7672-9357
Informatikerin |
1974 | Q56635558 | |||||
733 | 1 | Dianna Xu | Mathematician, computer scientist |
Q56651200 | ||||||
734 | 1 | Shuchi Chawla | Indian computer scientist | Q56681479 | ||||||
735 | 1 | Julie Swetnick | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q56760005 | ||||||
736 | 1 | Kim Rees | American computer scientist | Q56949259 | ||||||
737 | 1 | Maxux Aranzabe | researcher | 1966-11-08 | Q57083982 | |||||
738 | 1 | Stephanie Weirich | computer scientist | Q57268372 | ||||||
739 | 1 | Pinar Heggernes | Turkish-born Norwegian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1969 | Q57451696 | |||||
740 | 1 | Elena Prieto | Spanish, Australian mathematician, computer scientist |
Q57451771 | ||||||
741 | 1 | Allison J. Druin | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q57515696 | ||||||
742 | 1 | Carla Brodley | computer scientist | Q57515728 | ||||||
743 | 1 | Karen Holtzblatt | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q57515844 | ||||||
744 | 1 | Meral Özsoyoglu | Turkish-American computer scientist | Q57515860 | ||||||
745 | 1 | Susanne Bødker | Danish computer scientist | Q57531656 | ||||||
746 | 1 | Mor Harchol-Balter | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1966 | Q57585670 | |||||
747 | 1 | Caroline Kovac | American chemist | Q57650219 | ||||||
748 | 1 | Rhonda Childress | American data security, privacy officer at IBM Ingenieurin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q57656500 | |||||
749 | 1 | Paola Bonizzoni | Italian computer scientist (1964-)
Informatikerin |
Italien | 1964-03-29 | Q57713455 | ||||
750 | 1 | Elisabeth Oswald | Austrian cryptographer | Q57771097 | ||||||
751 | 1 | Jana Košecká | Slovak computer scientist
Forscherin |
Q57915821 | ||||||
752 | 1 | Jean Scholtz | American computer scientist | Q57915831 | ||||||
753 | 1 | Leysia Palen | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q57982371 | ||||||
754 | 1 | Sylvia Weir | Scotland researcher
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
1925 | 2018 | Q58030770 | ||||
755 | 1 | Allison McCoy | American bioinformatician | Q58132792 | ||||||
756 | 1 | Elaine Rich | American Doctor in Computer Science | Q58156953 | ||||||
757 | 1 | Francesca Toni | Italian computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Q58207653 | ||||||
758 | 1 | Joan Francioni | American Professor of Computer Science | Q58215491 | ||||||
759 | 1 | Lucia Specia | britischer Informatiker
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | Q58411237 | |||||
760 | 1 | Floriana Esposito | Italian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1947 | Q58493772 | |||||
761 | 1 | Cathy Tie | Canadian entrepreneur | 1996 | Q58494969 | |||||
762 | 1 | Susana Ladra | researcher
Informatikerin |
1984 | Santiago de Compostela | Q58733332 | ||||
763 | 1 | Melissa Chase | American cryptographer | Q58923913 | ||||||
764 | 1 | Natalie Enright Jerger | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1979-11-22 | Q59160137 | ||||
765 | 1 | Yun Sing Koh | malaysia-chinesischer Informatiker in Neuseeland | 1978 | Q59198150 | |||||
766 | 1 | Marie-Francine Moens | researcher, text mining, KU Leuven Hochschullehrerin |
1957 | Q59465635 | |||||
767 | 1 | Ellen Voorhees | American computer scientist | 1958-03-13 | Q59522657 | |||||
768 | 1 | Kimberly Keeton | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q59522669 | ||||||
769 | 1 | Eiman Kanjo | English Syrian computer scientist (born 1975) | 1975 | Q59561003 | |||||
770 | 1 | Kate Hone | British computer scientist | Q59569761 | ||||||
771 | 1 | Deborah Joseph | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q59590540 | ||||||
772 | 1 | Judy Goldsmith | American computer scientist | Q59590921 | ||||||
773 | 1 | Karen Devine | American computer scientist | Q59714291 | ||||||
774 | 1 | Jia Li | Chinese-American statistician, computer scientist Statistikerin |
Q59750888 | ||||||
775 | 1 | Marinka Žitnik | Slovenian Computer Scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Slowenien | 1989-04-23 | Q59753151 | ||||
776 | 1 | Silvia Lindtner | researcher, University of Michigan Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q60029708 | |||||
777 | 1 | Jakita Owensby Thomas | American computer scientist, computer engineer, educator Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q60177381 | |||||
778 | 1 | Marina Jirotka | professor at the University of Oxford | Q60191735 | ||||||
779 | 1 | Yuqing Gao | Chinese computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q60330265 | ||||||
780 | 1 | Maria Serna | researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-9729-8648 | 1959 | Q60574340 | |||||
781 | 1 | Katarzyna Paluch | Polish computer scientist | Q60833694 | ||||||
782 | 1 | Yusu Wang | Chinese computer scientist, mathematician Mathematikerin |
Q60976797 | ||||||
783 | 1 | Hyojung Ryu | South Korean bioinformatician
Bioinformatikerin |
Südkorea | 1995-12-28 | Q61095571 | ||||
784 | 1 | Julie A. Kientz | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1980, 1980-05-09 |
Q61111266 | |||||
785 | 1 | Barbara Falkenbach Ryan | American mathematician, computer scientist, statistician, business executive Unternehmensleiterin |
Q61165087 | ||||||
786 | 1 | Rivka Ladin | Amerikanischer Computerspezialist | Q61232211 | ||||||
787 | 1 | Emma Hart | English computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | 1967 | Q61741269 | ||||
788 | 1 | Inés Jacob Taquet | spanische Informatikerin
Informatikerin |
Spanien | Q61890736 | |||||
789 | 1 | Maite Oronoz Antxordoki | researcher | Q61968829 | ||||||
790 | 1 | Vin Murria | British businesswoman born 1962
Unternehmensleiterin |
1962 | Q61993209 | |||||
791 | 1 | Itziar Aldabe | researcher
Informatikerin |
Spanien | 1979 | Q61996917 | ||||
792 | 1 | Audrey Bates | British-American computer programmer | 1928 | 2014 | Q62033343 | ||||
793 | 1 | Annabelle McIver | computer security researcher
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
1964 | Q62055184 | |||||
794 | 1 | Nieves R Brisaboa | spanische Informatikerin
Professorin |
Spanien | 1958 | A Coruña | Q62057683 | |||
795 | 1 | Lilly Irani | iranisch-amerikanische Akademikerin
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Q62062800 | ||||||
796 | 1 | Edda Sveinsdottir | Icelandic/Danish computer scientist
Informatikerin, |
Dänemark, Island |
1936-04-09 | 2022-04-03 | Q62079841 | |||
797 | 1 | Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini | Italian logician, theoretical computer scientist Informatikerin |
1946 | Q62559737 | |||||
798 | 1 | Frances Brazier | Dutch computer scientist
Forscherin |
1957-05-12 | Q62755538 | |||||
799 | 1 | Valeria Bertacco | academic, researcher in electrical engineering, computer science Informatikerin |
Q62782022 | ||||||
800 | 1 | Greta Doçi | Wikimedian | Q63297228 | ||||||
801 | 1 | Diane Kelly | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q63343817 | |||||
802 | 1 | Laurie J. Patterson | American author, computer science professor |
Q63431961 | ||||||
803 | 1 | Rebecca N. Wright | American computer scientist | 1967 | Q63456681 | |||||
804 | 1 | Susan Brennan | American psychologist, linguist Informatikerin, |
Q63456738 | ||||||
805 | 1 | Chelsea Finn | American computer scientist, professor at Stanford University Informatikerin |
Q63535485 | ||||||
806 | 1 | Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre | Basque computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
1987-06-19 | Q63845182 | |||||
807 | 1 | Itziar Gonzalez-Dios | Basque computational linguist | 1988-08-31 | Q64008050 | |||||
808 | 1 | Natasha Sayce-Zelem | Head of technology at Sky
Informatikerin |
1983 | Q64009073 | |||||
809 | 1 | Reiko Kondō | japanische Informatikerin | Q64364289 | ||||||
810 | 1 | Sheila McIlraith | professor of computer science
Informatikerin |
1960 | Q64819738 | |||||
811 | 1 | Maral Dadvar | Forscher | Q64903113 | ||||||
812 | 1 | Marzyeh Ghassemi | Canada-based researcher in the field of computational medicine
Bioinformatikerin |
Q64949666 | ||||||
813 | 1 | Paola Flocchini | Canadian computer scientist | 1967 | Q65030890 | |||||
814 | 1 | Нечипоренко Аліна Сергіївна | Forscher
Hochschullehrerin |
1979-11-13 | Q65208822 | |||||
815 | 1 | Flavia Marzano | Italian computer scientist, politician |
1954-06-03 | Q65557916 | |||||
816 | 1 | Bożena Śmiałkowska | Polish computer scientist, academic Informatikerin |
Polen | 1950 | Q65560262 | ||||
817 | 1 | Marsha Rhea Williams | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1948-08-04 | Q65658643 | ||||
818 | 1 | Nathalie Japkowicz | Canadian computer scientist | Q65921584 | ||||||
819 | 1 | Janelle Shane | amerikanische KI-Forscherin, Schriftstellerin Elektrotechnikerin, |
Q66497786 | ||||||
820 | 1 | Jean Dollimore | English computer scientist | Q66738000 | ||||||
821 | 1 | Bonnie Jean Dorr | American computer scientist | Q67151555 | ||||||
822 | 1 | Julie Dorsey | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q67162699 | ||||||
823 | 1 | Jill Slay | British-Australian engineer, computer scientist |
Q67173365 | ||||||
824 | 1 | Laurie Williams | American software engineer
Softwareingenieurin |
Q67186099 | ||||||
825 | 1 | Lori A. Freitag | American Computer Scientist | Q67205860 | ||||||
826 | 1 | Dorothy Stein | American psychologist, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1931-03-31 | 2019-03-16 | Q67356589 | |||
827 | 1 | Cristina Bazgan | French computer scientist | Q67560150 | ||||||
828 | 1 | Cristina Conati | Italian, Canadian computer scientist |
Q67610893 | ||||||
829 | 1 | Edith Elkind | Estonian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Estland | Q67724868 | |||||
830 | 1 | Leah Findlater | Canadian/American computer scientist | Q67823534 | ||||||
831 | 1 | Joanna McGrenere | Canadian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q67823542 | ||||||
832 | 1 | Pearl Pu | Swiss computer scientist | 1961 | Q67898093 | |||||
833 | 1 | Kori Inkpen | Canadian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q67955058 | ||||||
834 | 1 | Brigitte Jaumard | Computer scientist | Q67963987 | ||||||
835 | 1 | Dana Moshkovitz | Israeli theoretical computer scientist | Q68235118 | ||||||
836 | 1 | Elizabeth O'Neil | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q68279187 | |||||
837 | 1 | Sofya Raskhodnikova | Belarusian, American computer scientist |
1976 | Q68499036 | |||||
838 | 1 | Christine Piatko | Computer scientist | Q68544145 | ||||||
839 | 1 | Jessica Staddon | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q68974875 | ||||||
840 | 1 | Soha Hassoun | American computer scientist | Q70040821 | ||||||
841 | 1 | Pamela Hardt-English | American food scientist, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Q70276731 | ||||||
842 | 1 | Himabindu Lakkaraju | Indian-American computer scientist | Q70882189 | ||||||
843 | 1 | Amaia Bernarás | Basque computer scientist
Forscherin |
Q71006415 | ||||||
844 | 1 | Nada Golmie | American computer scientist, engineer |
Q71850964 | ||||||
845 | 1 | Andrea Frome | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q72528892 | ||||||
846 | 1 | Andrea Danyluk | computer scientist | 1963-03-01 | 2022-03-03 | Q74591617 | ||||
847 | 1 | Jessica Hullman | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q74765013 | ||||||
848 | 1 | Karrie Karahalios | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q74905455 | ||||||
849 | 1 | Jill Pym | (born 1933)
Softwareingenieurin |
1933-10-15 | Q75436460 | |||||
850 | 1 | Marilyn Walker | researcher, Natural Language Processing, University of California Santa Cruz |
Q75696362 | ||||||
851 | 1 | Mireille Gettler-Summa | French mathematician, academic Informatikerin, |
Frankreich | Q76446980 | |||||
852 | 1 | Yuejie Chi | Electrical, Computer Engineer |
Q77004402 | ||||||
853 | 1 | Victoria Interrante | Computer Science, Engineer Informatikerin |
Q78179309 | ||||||
854 | 1 | Yasamin Mostofi | Electrical, Computer Engineer |
Q78702638 | ||||||
855 | 1 | Rachel Thomas | American computer scientist | 1983-06-12 | Q79083553 | |||||
856 | 1 | Jennifer Wortman Vaughan | machine learning researcher
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q79178899 | |||||
857 | 1 | Katie Atkinson | Chair, Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Computer Science, University of Liverpool |
Q80641628 | ||||||
858 | 1 | Athena Vakali | Greek computer scientist | 1963 | Q80648273 | |||||
859 | 1 | Marie-Odile Cordier | French computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1950 | Q80787665 | |||||
860 | 1 | Niki Trigoni | Professor of Computer Science at the University of Oxford | 1970-10-10 | Q81303156 | |||||
861 | 1 | Sadie Creese | Professor of Cybersecurity at the University of Oxford | Q81303809 | ||||||
862 | 1 | Lorien Pratt | American data scientist
Informatikerin |
Q85340963 | ||||||
863 | 1 | Limor Fix | Israeli electronic design automation engineer
Informatikerin |
Q86377006 | ||||||
864 | 1 | Yuying Li | Chinese-Canadian professor of computer science | Q86861356 | ||||||
865 | 1 | Tamara Berg | American computer scientist, computational vision researcher |
Q87721107 | ||||||
866 | 1 | Arantxa Otegi | researcher
Forscherin |
Q87758925 | ||||||
867 | 1 | Heike Leitte | researcher
Informatikerin |
1982 | Q89560401 | |||||
868 | 1 | Regina Célia Botequio de Moraes | Brazilian computer scientist | Q89682806 | ||||||
869 | 1 | Ruriko Yoshida | Japanese-American mathematician, statistician Informatikerin |
Q89943705 | ||||||
870 | 1 | Bobby Hersom | British mathematician, computer scientist |
1929 | Q90151329 | |||||
871 | 1 | Hagit Shatkay | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Israel | Petach Tikwa | 2022-01-02 | Q90313528 | |||
872 | 1 | Allison Koenecke | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q90562622 | ||||||
873 | 1 | Anke Schmeink | researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-9929-2925)
Hochschullehrerin |
1978 | Q90652137 | |||||
874 | 1 | Beverly Woolf | computer scientist, AI researcher Informatikerin |
Q91141103 | ||||||
875 | 1 | María del Carmen Romero Ternero | researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-6965-9485)
Informatikerin |
Spanien | Q91341183 | |||||
876 | 1 | Adele Howe | computer scientist | 1961 | 2017 | Q91799119 | ||||
877 | 1 | Amy Ko | informatics professor
Akademikerin |
Q92254061 | ||||||
878 | 1 | Ina Koch | researcher (ORCID 0000-0002-3621-003X)
Biologin, |
1958 | Q92802174 | |||||
879 | 1 | Meredith Ringel Morris | American computer scientist | Q93383726 | ||||||
880 | 1 | Marine Carpuat | computational linguist at University of Maryland | Q93953866 | ||||||
881 | 1 | Mona Diab | computational linguist at George Washington University | Q93953875 | ||||||
882 | 1 | Ani Nenkova | computational linguist at University of Pennsylvania | Q93953929 | ||||||
883 | 1 | Olga Bidaurreta | gipuzkoar informatikaria, aktorea eta modeloa Model |
1968 | Q94401198 | |||||
884 | 1 | Nicole Immorlica | Theoretical computer scientist
Ingenieurin |
1978 | Q94979545 | |||||
885 | 1 | Elaine Shi | Chinese, American computer scientist Informatikerin |
Q95158061 | ||||||
886 | 1 | Gillian Hayes | Forscher | Q95183768 | ||||||
887 | 1 | Alessandra Sala | Forscher
Forscherin |
Q95409241 | ||||||
888 | 1 | Megan Squire | American data scientist & activist
politische Schriftstellerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q95687193 | |||||
889 | 1 | Kathrin Klamroth | German mathematician, computer scientist |
1968 | Q95777201 | |||||
890 | 1 | Emina Torlak | American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1979 | Q96099658 | ||||
891 | 1 | Yuanyuan Yang | Chinese-American computer scientist | Q96188073 | ||||||
892 | 1 | Wei Wang | Chinese-born American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q96221056 | ||||||
893 | 1 | Penny Rheingans | American computer scientist | Q96603053 | ||||||
894 | 1 | Mary Wootters | American coding theorist
Hochschullehrerin, |
Q97099825 | ||||||
895 | 1 | Clara Granell i Martorell | researcher
Informatikerin |
1988 | Q97193529 | |||||
896 | 1 | Grażyna Mirkowska-Salwicka | Polish computer scientist, mathematician Informatikerin |
Polen | 1943-04-23 | Q97370099 | ||||
897 | 1 | Madeleine Elish | Forscherin
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q97552329 | |||||
898 | 1 | Sally Goldman | computer scientist | Q97570485 | ||||||
899 | 1 | Anna Lewandowska (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Anna Lewandowska.) |
Polish computer scientist | Q97665596 | ||||||
900 | 1 | Helen Hastie | Forscher
Robotikerin |
Vereinigtes Königreich | Q97958804 | |||||
901 | 1 | Edwina L. Rissland | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q97961494 | ||||||
902 | 1 | Junping Du | Forscher | Q98177830 | ||||||
903 | 1 | Elva Jones | Computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q98200862 | |||||
904 | 1 | Quincy K. Brown | American academic in the field of computer science | Q98212508 | ||||||
905 | 1 | Sandra Mitchell Hedetniemi | American mathematician, computer scientist Lehrerin |
1949 | Q98400385 | |||||
906 | 1 | Rona Gurkewitz | American mathematician, computer scientist Mathematikerin |
Q98690972 | ||||||
907 | 1 | Uxoa Inurrieta | basque translator, computational linguist Übersetzerin |
Spanien | 1990-02-08 | Donostia-San Sebastián | Q98775196 | |||
908 | 1 | Catherine Pelachaud | French computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q98826697 | ||||||
909 | 1 | Shuchi Grover | American learning scientist | Q99639094 | ||||||
910 | 1 | Yanxi Liu | Chinese-American computer scientist | Q99921057 | ||||||
911 | 1 | Tula Giannini | Amerikanischer Akademiker, Musikwissenschaftler, Flötist Akademikerin, |
Vereinigte Staaten | New York City | Q100600931 | ||||
912 | 1 | Nancy R. Mead | American computer scientist | 1942 | Q100940253 | |||||
913 | 1 | Alla Sheffer | Israeli researcher | Q101579797 | ||||||
914 | 1 | Fatmah Baothman | AI ethics researcher
Informatikerin |
Saudi-Arabien | Q101714000 | |||||
915 | 1 | Itziar Aduriz | Computational linguist of Basque | 1965-02-10 | Q102040060 | |||||
916 | 1 | Maike Buchin | German computer scientist | Q102105466 | ||||||
917 | 1 | Jane Win-Shih Liu | Chinese-American computer scientist | Q102110646 | ||||||
918 | 1 | Gunilla Borgefors | Swedish image analysis scientist
Hochschullehrerin, |
1952 | Q102110873 | |||||
919 | 1 | Joyce Barbara Friedman | American computational linguist | 1928 | 2018 | Q102112736 | ||||
920 | 1 | Geneva G. Belford | Computer scientist | 1932 | 2014 | Q102128979 | ||||
921 | 1 | Lenore Zuck | Israeli-American computer scientist | 1958-09-26 | Q102170244 | |||||
922 | 1 | Elizabeth Redding Jessup | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102178320 | ||||||
923 | 1 | Katharina T. Huber | German mathematical biologist
Mathematikerin |
1965 | Q102180231 | |||||
924 | 1 | Ursula Goltz | German computer scientist | Q102181731 | ||||||
925 | 1 | Antonia J. Jones | British mathematician, computer scientist Informatikerin |
1943 | Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital | 2010 | Q102192099 | |||
926 | 1 | Barbara Hayes-Roth | American computer scientist, psychologist Informatikerin |
Q102194685 | ||||||
927 | 1 | Ayse Funda Ergun | Ph.D. Cornell University 1998 | Q102195040 | ||||||
928 | 1 | Ulrike Meier Yang | Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1995
Mathematikerin |
1959 | Q102196885 | |||||
929 | 1 | Caroline Clarke Hayes | Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1990
Maschinenbauingenieurin |
Q102196911 | ||||||
930 | 1 | Andréa W. Richa | Brazilian-American computer scientist | Q102215034 | ||||||
931 | 1 | Mei-Yuh Hwang | Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 1993
Informatikerin |
Q102215388 | ||||||
932 | 1 | Marjan van den Akker | Dutch computer scientist, operations researcher |
1965 | Q102218893 | |||||
933 | 1 | Nathalie Revol | French computer scientist
Wissenschaftlerin |
Frankreich | 1967, 1967-12-04 |
Q102230485 | ||||
934 | 1 | Holly Ann Yanco | American roboticist
Informatikerin |
Q102234944 | ||||||
935 | 1 | Chen-Nee Chuah | American Electrical, Computer Engineer Hochschullehrerin |
Q102249012 | ||||||
936 | 1 | Andrea Suzanne LaPaugh | American computer scientist | Q102249102 | ||||||
937 | 1 | Tajana Rosing | American computer scientist, computer engineer Informatikerin |
Q102250158 | ||||||
938 | 1 | Octavia Irma Camps | Ph.D. University of Washington 1992 | Q102251191 | ||||||
939 | 1 | Lorna Kay Stewart | Canadian graph theorist
Informatikerin |
Q102251774 | ||||||
940 | 1 | Linda van der Gaag | Ph.D. Universiteit van Amsterdam 1990 | 1959-07-23 | Q102252870 | |||||
941 | 1 | Margarita Osadchy | Ph.D. University of Haifa 2001
Professorin |
Israel | Q102260675 | |||||
942 | 1 | Paula Hawthorn | American computer scientist | 1943 | Q102261869 | |||||
943 | 1 | Dianne Hansford | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1964 | Q102262421 | |||||
944 | 1 | Susanne E. Hambrusch | Austrian-American computer scientist | Q102264444 | ||||||
945 | 1 | Deborah E. Silver | American information visualization researcher | Q102265165 | ||||||
946 | 1 | Joanne Bechta Dugan | American computer engineer
Elektroingenieurin |
1958 | Q102266275 | |||||
947 | 1 | Jane Wilhelms | American biologist, computer scientist Biologin |
2005 | Q102266279 | |||||
948 | 1 | Julia L. Lawall | Ph.D. Indiana University 1994 | Q102267545 | ||||||
949 | 1 | Minerva Yeung | American multimedia engineer
Informatikerin |
Q102267646 | ||||||
950 | 1 | Ai-Chun Pang | Ph.D. Chiao-Tung University 2002 | Q102271212 | ||||||
951 | 1 | Z. Morley Mao | Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley 2003 |
Q102271389 | ||||||
952 | 1 | Brigitte Pientka | Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 2003
Informatikerin |
1971-03-03 | Q102272990 | |||||
953 | 1 | Krysta Svore | American computer scientist | 1979 | Q102292115 | |||||
954 | 1 | Bonnie Ray | American statistician, data scientist Statistikerin |
Q102292362 | ||||||
955 | 1 | Myra B. Cohen | American software engineer
Softwareingenieurin |
Q102292997 | ||||||
956 | 1 | Tal Malkin | Israeli-American cryptographer | 1970 | Q102300361 | |||||
957 | 1 | Yanyong Zhang | Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University 2002
Informatikerin |
Q102300604 | ||||||
958 | 1 | Jie Gao | Chinese-American computer scientist | Q102300856 | ||||||
959 | 1 | Agnieszka Dardzińska-Głębocka | Polish computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Polen | 1970er-Jahre | Q102304531 | ||||
960 | 1 | Eunice E. Santos | American computer scientist | Q102305723 | ||||||
961 | 1 | Candace Lee Sidner | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102308565 | ||||||
962 | 1 | Mi Lu | American electrical engineer
Elektroingenieurin |
Q102310550 | ||||||
963 | 1 | Bianca Schroeder | Ph.D. Carnegie Mellon University 2007
Informatikerin |
Q102311242 | ||||||
964 | 1 | Michal Aharon | Israeli computer scientist | Q102313166 | ||||||
965 | 1 | Karon E. MacLean | computer scientist, mechanical engineer Maschinenbauingenieurin |
Q102314491 | ||||||
966 | 1 | Maren Bennewitz | German roboticist | 1973 | Q102314885 | |||||
967 | 1 | Xin Luna Dong | Chinese-American computer scientist | 1975 | Q102320754 | |||||
968 | 1 | Kate Larson (Dieses Lemma gibt es schon für Kate Larson.) |
Canadian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102323810 | ||||||
969 | 1 | Tara Javidi | Iranian electrical engineer, computer scientist |
Q102332901 | ||||||
970 | 1 | Edith Hemaspaandra | Dutch-American computer scientist | 1964 | Q102333605 | |||||
971 | 1 | Kamala Krithivasan | Ph.D. University of Madras 1974
Informatikerin |
1948 | Q102338982 | |||||
972 | 1 | Meena Bhaskar Mahajan | Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 1993 |
Q102338999 | ||||||
973 | 1 | Avivit Levy | Israeli poet, composer, computer scientist Informatikerin |
Israel | 1972-04-25 | Q102340300 | ||||
974 | 1 | Joumana Ghosn | Ph.D. Université de Montréal 2003 | Q102340538 | ||||||
975 | 1 | Alessandra Russo | Ph.D. Imperial College London 1996
Informatikerin |
1972 | Q102341395 | |||||
976 | 1 | Fumiko Futamura | Japanese-American mathematician
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Q102341422 | ||||||
977 | 1 | Sonia Fahmy | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102341433 | ||||||
978 | 1 | Carolyn Rosé | American computer scientist | Q102346699 | ||||||
979 | 1 | Urbashi Mitra | Ph.D. Princeton University 1994
Informatikerin |
1966 | Q102351110 | |||||
980 | 1 | Maria-Eugenia Iacob | Romanian computer scientist (1967-2024)
Informatikerin |
Rumänien | 1967 | 2024-10-07 | Q102352764 | |||
981 | 1 | Mary Wolcott Hall | American computer scientist | Q102365282 | ||||||
982 | 1 | Susanna Donatelli | Italian computer scientist | 1960 | Q102365891 | |||||
983 | 1 | Nathalie Henry Riche | Computer scientist
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Q102368240 | ||||||
984 | 1 | Mary C. Whitton | American computer graphics researcher | Q102368494 | ||||||
985 | 1 | Rena Bakhshi | Dutch computer scientist. Ph.D. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2011
Informatikerin |
1981 | Q102371904 | |||||
986 | 1 | Sylvie Boldo | French mathematician, computer scientist |
Q102399015 | ||||||
987 | 1 | Eve M. Schooler | American computer engineer, Internet of Things researcher Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q102399556 | |||||
988 | 1 | Hanna Oktaba | Polish-Mexican computer scientist | 1951 | Q102404743 | |||||
989 | 1 | Marina Thottan | Ph.D. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2000
Informatikerin |
Q102405125 | ||||||
990 | 1 | Lina von Sydow | Ph.D. Uppsala Universitet 1995 | 1967-01-25 | Q102426295 | |||||
991 | 1 | Sarah Meiklejohn | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q102427337 | |||||
992 | 1 | Heidrun Schumann | German computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
1954 | Q102427362 | |||||
993 | 1 | Melanie Schmidt | Dr. rer. nat. Technische Universität Dortmund 2014 | Q102433105 | ||||||
994 | 1 | Gabriele Keller | Dr.-Ing. Technische Universität Berlin 1999 | Q102464929 | ||||||
995 | 1 | Dana Fisman | Israeli computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102526939 | ||||||
996 | 1 | Nicola Dell | Zimbabwean-born computer scientist, active in the United States |
Q102583832 | ||||||
997 | 1 | Stefanie Sabrina Jegelka | D.Sc. ETH Zürich 2012 | Q102683371 | ||||||
998 | 1 | Wenyuan Xu | Chinese computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q102766055 | ||||||
999 | 1 | Robyn R. Lutz | American computer scientist | Q102780229 | ||||||
1000 | 1 | Lori Lamel | speech processing researcher | Q102804639 | ||||||
1001 | 1 | Ellen Riloff | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q103364106 | ||||||
1002 | 1 | Andrea Grimes Parker | American computer scientist
Forscherin |
Q104172720 | ||||||
1003 | 1 | Sorelle Friedler | American computer scientist | Q104473726 | ||||||
1004 | 1 | Elaine G. Toms | Canadian information scientist
Informatikerin |
Q104695216 | ||||||
1005 | 1 | Begoña Altuna | Computational linguist | 1989 | Q105007361 | |||||
1006 | 1 | Olatz Arregi Uriarte | Computer scientist, member of Ixa Group Hochschullehrerin |
1963-04-03 | Q105161273 | |||||
1007 | 1 | Bridget Karlin | American entrepreneur, business woman |
Q105318165 | ||||||
1008 | 1 | Valérie Issarny | French computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1964-04-19 | 2022-11-12 | Q105409476 | ||||
1009 | 1 | Andrea Delgado-Olson | computer scientist | Q105416144 | ||||||
1010 | 1 | Huang Yongqin | Chinese computer scientist | 1955 | Q105718560 | |||||
1011 | 1 | Sarah Knapp Abramowitz | American statistician
Mathematikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1967-03-25 | Q105773629 | ||||
1012 | 1 | Helen M. Wood | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q105834030 | ||||||
1013 | 1 | Svetlana Lazebnik | ukrainisch-amerikanische Wissenschaftlerin | 1979 | Q105873378 | |||||
1014 | 1 | Marzena Kryszkiewicz | Polish computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Polen | 1964-07-23 | Q105885927 | ||||
1015 | 1 | Christine Guillemot | Computer Wissenschaftlerin | Q105890435 | ||||||
1016 | 1 | Tuğba Bahçekapılı | Turkish academic, researcher Akademikerin |
Türkei | Q105947433 | |||||
1017 | 1 | Nehir Yasan Ak | Turkish academic, researcher |
Q105947636 | ||||||
1018 | 1 | Evgenia Smirni | Greek-American computer scientist
Lehrerin |
Q106149149 | ||||||
1019 | 1 | Ilona Bluemke | polska informatyczka | 1954-07-04 | Q106327753 | |||||
1020 | 1 | Jane J. Robinson | American computational linguist
Informatikerin |
2015 | Q106629101 | |||||
1021 | 1 | Usue Mori Carrascal | Researcher, ORCID: 0000-0002-2057-1770 Informatikerin |
1987 | Donostia-San Sebastián | Q106771247 | ||||
1022 | 1 | Fillia Makedon | Greek-American computer scientist | Q107142100 | ||||||
1023 | 1 | Rotem Oshman | Israeli computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Israel | Q107173871 | |||||
1024 | 1 | Doris Carver | American computer scientist | 1946 | 2024-02-11 | Q107291504 | ||||
1025 | 1 | Marily Nika | Greek computational scientist
Informatikerin |
Q107463356 | ||||||
1026 | 1 | Sara Hooker | deep learning researcher | Q107742361 | ||||||
1027 | 1 | Ruth Pearl | Israeli-American software developer
Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | 1935-11-11 | 2021-07-20 | Los Angeles | Q107826269 | ||
1028 | 1 | Kathryn Strutynski | American computer scientist | 1931-02-05 | 2010 | Q108049627 | ||||
1029 | 1 | Seok-Hee Hong | Korean-Australian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Südkorea | Q108076344 | |||||
1030 | 1 | Chiara Petrioli | Italian computer scientist | Q108468503 | ||||||
1031 | 1 | Itziar Cortés | Computer scientist in Elhuyar Foundation
Informatikerin |
1985-09-13 | Q108570992 | |||||
1032 | 1 | Anat Levin | Israeli computer scientist | 1978-04-16 | Q108688180 | |||||
1033 | 1 | Nelly Chatué Diop | Co-Founder & CEO Ejara
Unternehmerin |
Kamerun | Q108873122 | |||||
1034 | 1 | Véronique Bruyère | Belgian computer scientist | Q108919299 | ||||||
1035 | 1 | Émilie Kaufmann | French statistician, computer scientist Informatikerin |
1987 | Q109326556 | |||||
1036 | 1 | Jennifer Hou | Taiwanese computer scientist
Elektroingenieurin |
1964 | 2007 | Q110288373 | ||||
1037 | 1 | Heba Bevan | British electronics engineer
Ingenieurin |
Q110316844 | ||||||
1038 | 1 | Alexandra Poulovassilis | Greek, British computer scientist |
Q110511240 | ||||||
1039 | 1 | Ane Iturzaeta | computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1995 | Donostia-San Sebastián | Q110869776 | ||||
1040 | 1 | Clementine Jacoby | American software engineer, criminal justice reform activist |
Q111144946 | ||||||
1041 | 1 | Naiara Aginako Bengoa | Computer scientist, teacher, researcher Hochschullehrerin |
1982-02-10 | Q111151585 | |||||
1042 | 1 | Eun Jung Kim | South Korean computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q111155166 | ||||||
1043 | 1 | Maria-Ribera Sancho Samsó | computer engineer
Forscherin |
1964 | La Pobla de Segur | Q111184440 | ||||
1044 | 1 | Allison Woodruff | American computer scientist | Q111206448 | ||||||
1045 | 1 | Abigail Annkah | A Research Software engineer base in Ghana
Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Ghana | Q111366675 | |||||
1046 | 1 | Anne Auger | French numerical analyst, computer scientist |
Q111610715 | ||||||
1047 | 1 | Miranda Bogen | policy analyst | Q111662698 | ||||||
1048 | 1 | Sukyoung Ryu | South Korean computer scientist | Q112022052 | ||||||
1049 | 1 | Michela Milano | Italian computer scientist | 1970 | Q112394143 | |||||
1050 | 1 | Lorenza Saitta | Italian computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1944 | Q112395621 | |||||
1051 | 1 | Ida M. Flynn | American computer scientist | 1942 | 2004 | Q112449144 | ||||
1052 | 1 | Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier | French computer scientist
Informatikerin |
1948 | Q112498535 | |||||
1053 | 1 | Marion J. Ball | biomedical, health informatics researcher Mathematikerin |
1940 | Q112564485 | |||||
1054 | 1 | Hatice Gunes | Turkish computer scientist | Q112731875 | ||||||
1055 | 1 | Panagiota Fatourou | Greek computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Griechenland | Q113007964 | |||||
1056 | 1 | Mei-Ling Shyu | Electrical, Computer Engineer |
Q113098251 | ||||||
1057 | 1 | Vivienne Sze | American electrical engineer, computer scientist Ingenieurin |
Q113133181 | ||||||
1058 | 1 | Anne Hee Hiong Ngu | Australian-American computer scientist
Akademikerin |
Q113390687 | ||||||
1059 | 1 | Nerea Ezeiza | computer scientist, computational linguist Informatikerin |
Q113578318 | ||||||
1060 | 1 | Tessa Lau | PhD, University of Washington, Computer Science & Engineering, 2001 |
Q113667677 | ||||||
1061 | 1 | Tanya X. Short | American video game designer
Informationswissenschaftlerin |
Q113956023 | ||||||
1062 | 1 | Margaret J. Eppstein | American complex systems scientist
Informatikerin |
Q114833754 | ||||||
1063 | 1 | Irene Gargantini | Italian-Canadian computer scientist | 1934 | Q115771902 | |||||
1064 | 1 | Devi Parikh | American computer scientist | Q116025168 | ||||||
1065 | 1 | Adrienne Porter Felt | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q116205197 | ||||||
1066 | 1 | Maris Männiste | Estonian computer scientist | 1987-02-23 | Q116940247 | |||||
1067 | 1 | Yiling Chen | chinese-American computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Q116965909 | ||||||
1068 | 1 | Katherine Morse | American computer scientist | Q118104996 | ||||||
1069 | 1 | Angelica Lim | Canadian-American Computer scientist
Akademikerin |
Q118256131 | ||||||
1070 | 1 | Jane Cleland-Huang | software engineer | Q118448552 | ||||||
1071 | 1 | Διάνα Βουτυράκου | researcher
Forscherin |
Griechenland | Q118611558 | |||||
1072 | 1 | Irene Misoi | computer scientist from Kenya | 1984-03-06 | Q118982768 | |||||
1073 | 1 | Susan K. Land | American software engineer
Informatikerin |
1963 | Q119228542 | |||||
1074 | 1 | Bhuvana Ramabhadran | speech recognition researcher | Q119558286 | ||||||
1075 | 1 | Aarti Gupta | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q120437239 | ||||||
1076 | 1 | Iris Lorscheid | professor of Digital Business, Data Science |
1976 | Q120490438 | |||||
1077 | 1 | Suparna Bhattacharya | Indian computer scientist
Programmiererin |
Q120671743 | ||||||
1078 | 1 | Elise Gerich | was instrumental in the transition of the NSFNET to the modern-day Internet, of the IANA |
Q120890796 | ||||||
1079 | 1 | Shixia Liu | Chinese computer scientist | 1974 | Q121335134 | |||||
1080 | 1 | Frauke Zeller | Hochschullehrerin | Q123003402 | ||||||
1081 | 1 | Irene Solaiman | American artificial intelligence, public policy researcher Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q123134988 | |||||
1082 | 1 | Carolina Marcelino | Brazilian computer scientist | 1984-04-28 | Q123400881 | |||||
1083 | 1 | Kavita Ganesan | malaysian-born author, data scientist Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz |
Q123481750 | ||||||
1084 | 1 | Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood | Indian-American computer scientist | Q123698975 | ||||||
1085 | 1 | Sigal Oren | Israeli Computer Science Professor
Forscherin |
Israel | 1982-11-21 | Q123741438 | ||||
1086 | 1 | Terry Benzel | American computer scientist | 1956 | Q123745866 | |||||
1087 | 1 | Zhi Jin | Chinese computer scientist
Hochschullehrerin |
Q123785671 | ||||||
1088 | 1 | Leila Amgoud | Algerian, French computer scientist |
1972 | Q124058700 | |||||
1089 | 1 | Claudette Cayrol | French computer scientist | 1959 | Q124069391 | |||||
1090 | 1 | Sandra Slaughter | American software engineer, management scientist Informatikerin |
2014-11-03 | Q124407447 | |||||
1091 | 1 | Paola Mello | Italian computer scientist (born 1958)
Informatikerin |
1958 | Q124485071 | |||||
1092 | 1 | Stacey Franklin Jones | American mathematician, systems engineer, and academic administrator Informatikerin |
Vereinigte Staaten | Q124539819 | |||||
1093 | 1 | Tatiana von Landesberger | slovak-German computer scientist | 1979 | Q124650907 | |||||
1094 | 1 | Natalia Kliewer | kyrgyz-German operations researcher
Informatikerin |
Q124659320 | ||||||
1095 | 1 | Leena Suhl | Finnish-German operations researcher | 1953 | Q124666118 | |||||
1096 | 1 | Gillat Kol | Israeli computer science professor | Q124689309 | ||||||
1097 | 1 | Noga Ron-Zewi | Israeli computer scientist
Professorin |
Israel | 1983 | Q124969344 | ||||
1098 | 1 | Stella Bitchebe | Cameroonian researcher
Forscherin |
Kamerun | 1994 | Q125267193 | ||||
1099 | 1 | Sonja Buchegger | computer scientist | Q125680223 | ||||||
1100 | 1 | Sabita Maharjan | Informatikerin | 1980 | Q125697169 | |||||
1101 | 1 | Sofia Ongele | 2000 | Q125724755 | ||||||
1102 | 1 | Aneta Poniszewska-Marańda | polska informatyczka | Q126327835 | ||||||
1103 | 1 | Elaine Kant | American computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Q126864998 | ||||||
1104 | 1 | Dilek Hakkani-Tür | Turkish-American computer scientist | Q127667734 | ||||||
1105 | 1 | María Cecilia Rivara | Chilean computer scientist | Q130237196 | ||||||
1106 | 1 | Katherine Elkins | American generative AI researcher
Akademikerin |
Q130369935 | ||||||
1107 | 1 | Isabelle Ryl | Computer scientist
Informatikerin |
Frankreich | Q130420193 | |||||
1108 | 1 | Shaowen Bardzell | taiwanese-American computer scientist | Q130826564 | ||||||
1109 | 1 | Thais Cristina Costa Moreira | computer scientist, brazilian politician Informatikerin |
Brasilien | 1974-08-10 | Palmeira d'Oeste | Q131283801 | |||
# | Wikis | Name | Beschreibung / Tätigkeit | Bild | Nationalität | Geburtsdatum | Geburtsort | Sterbedatum | Sterbeort | Wikidata-Objekt |
Informatikerinnen (1.109 von 2.584) |