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Dabei seit Februar 2004, also seit 20 Jahren und 227 Tagen, angemeldet seit Mai 2004, Administrator seit September 2005. Bisher 113197 Beiträge.

Warum? » … damit die Arbeit der vergangenen Jahrhunderte nicht nutzlos für die kommenden Jahrhunderte gewesen sei; damit unsere Enkel nicht nur gebildeter, sondern gleichzeitig auch tugendhafter und glücklicher werden, und damit wir nicht sterben, ohne uns um die Menschheit verdient gemacht zu haben.« Denis Diderot (1713–1784)

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Merken: „Back in the day, when you said something in an interview, it would come out in the NME or whatever and someone would read it on the tube and the following week their cat was shitting on it, because it was in the kitty litter, and the week after it would be at the garage dump. And then it was over, and you could have a new thought about something. And that’s it, it was over, you didn’t have to think about it anymore. Now, however, if you say something, it’s out there forever. If it makes your Wikipedia page, it will come to define you.“ (Ben Frost)

Merken2: „There seems to be a terrible bias among some editors that some sort of random speculative "I heard it somewhere" pseudo information is to be tagged with a "needs a cite" tag. Wrong. It should be removed, aggressively, unless it can be sourced.“ (Jimbo Wales)

Merken3: „Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?“ (Tennessee Williams)

Merken4 „I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.“ (George Bernard Shaw)

Merken5: „If a man says he will fix it, he will. There is no need to remind him every 6 months about it.“ (unbekannt)

Merken6: „Don't argue with idiots. They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.“ (unbekannt)

Merken7: „People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people, Jeremy.“ (Super Hans)

Merken8: „Wir operieren hier nicht am offenen Herzen.“ (Chantal N.)