Benutzer Diskussion:EurodanceLover

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Herzlich willkommen in der Wikipedia, EurodanceLover!

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Ich habe gesehen, dass du dich kürzlich hier angemeldet hast, und möchte dir ein paar Tipps geben, damit du dich in der Wikipedia möglichst schnell zurechtfindest:

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Schön, dass du zu uns gestoßen bist – und: Lass dich nicht stressen.

Einen guten Start wünscht dir Lutheraner (Diskussion) 14:43, 13. Jul. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten


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...for not replying on my talk page! I simply forgot it. I was ill and made only minor edits. I'll start today with the article. Pls apologize. Best, --AnnaS. (Diskussion) 05:46, 9. Aug. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten

@AnnaS.aus I.: hello. thanks for your reply. yes i know about your illness. i read your talk page. i' very sorry that this is a difficult time for you. i understand and i hope that you will soon have full strength again. i just feel like you are a understanding person and i feel that my draft for captain hollywood project is well written and has better and more accurate information. and while understand that its 'rude' to overwrite information and some one else's work, the 'work' on the current article is negative, minimalist and just overall wrong and portrays 'captain hollywood project' in a negative light and talks about things that have nothing to do with the band. i would be wrong the change the article if the article was accurate and correct, but its just false and wrong. my article is a better and more well written article with actual sources. and i know that if you read my article and compared it to the current one, you'll see a massive difference. i just worry that on German wikipedia that the editors want to keep articles as they are even if they are wrong. that's my only concern. thanks for your reply EurodanceLover (Diskussion) 16:36, 9. Aug. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten

What is wrong?

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@AnnaS.aus I.: hello Anna. i'm still waiting for you to help me with the captain hollywood article. what is wrong EurodanceLover (Diskussion) 21:34, 14. Aug. 2017 (CEST)Beantworten